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Tips for getting better at multiplayer.


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So I've noticed that I've gotten a lot more in to multiplayer as of late but I'm kind of  well, garbage. Ok so I'm not that bad but I would like to go from average to 'pretty good' if I can and I was hoping some of the more talented among you could give me some tips on getting better. I've had a look around the web and got the basic tips; stay with your team, learn maps/characters ect. but if you have any others that would be great. This is in terms mainly of shooters/fighting games but a mixture of everything. 

The big question I have at the moment is with shooters is it better to have aim assist on or off? Kinda feel like my aim is being 'dragged' if that makes sense but if it's off obviously aiming will be harder for a while until i get used to it. 

As a certain supermarket says: "Every little helps" :D

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Really depends on what games you are into now.  If it's GTAV, then MP with crew members on missions. They can carry you and you can learn from how they handle themselves.  If you are into ESO, then running dungeons and learning your role will make you a better player.  Such as, you could start as a healer with some fighting, and observe the other players.  If the mission/heist/dungeon/or whatever isn't critical, then I don't use auto-aim.  Actually, having your weapon lock onto someone is actually hurting your play.  So, what games are you trying to get a bit better in?

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Well, it depends, I'm not that great at fighting games but I consider myself pretty good at FPS, specially Call of Duty.

If you're playing on console you should have aim assist on all the time, I know there are some little issues with the aim assist, but trust me, it's much easier to have it.

I don't know what to tell you, the more you play a FPS the better you'll get, the key is knowing really good the maps, which areas are "dangerous" and which ones are good to flank, and of course, look at your map all the time, that way you can learn the spawns and guess if there are a bunch of allies together most likely there won't be any  enemies there.

And of course, find yourself the weapon you're most comfortable with, the top tier guns aren't always the best for everyone ;)


I would say that if you really want to improve as a player you should get into the competitive/ranked modes of that game, you'll find way better players and of course more competitive games there, so you'll improve much faster.

But this also depends on the game, for instance, I think rankeds are the best (and probably the only) way to improve in Overwatch, but that game is kinda different, it´s a team game, the thing is that you'll never learn to play Overwatch just playing quick play xD


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At the moment I am looking to get better at Killer Instinct and Overwatch, and I've got Battlefield 1 and PUBG on the way. I'm a bit gun shy after previous BF games, I always travel for ages to get to the action and then just get blown away. Poor showing on my part haha  ^_^ I think the thing with aim assist is I sort of 'drag' the reticle to what I'm about to shoot while starting to aim down sights, aiming for the throat/upper chest but auto aim corrects it slightly and throws it off. Thinking about trying to take it off see how that goes.


I'd like to start making use of longer range weapons as well. I have issues trusting my aim so I tend to rely on shotguns/smgs/melee weapons as a cushion but when I want or need to use something else I struggle. No idea how I can get better at that, just practice and be garbage for a while I guess haha.

Will def try and do some more competitive stuff though. *looks at overwatch silver rating in shame* :D


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I played the shit out of Call of Duty in my day. Not the newer ones, but the older ones like Black Ops and Modern Warfare. I've also put a few hundred hours into the Battlefield franchise. I feel the same techniques apply to most shooters in general. 


For starters, I would certainly keep aim assist on. It really can't hurt. In my opinion, I find it useful to help my ADS (aim down sight) "snap" to the enemy player. 


Take it SLOW. When you're starting out, don't go running around like crazy. That's the fastest way to get killed since more experienced players will be sitting at choke-off points waiting for inexperienced players who are just running around so they can score easy kills. Don't feed them kills! 

It helps to play in teams. This way you have friends who can support you and back you up. 


And of course, practice, practice, practice. If there is a "combat training" in your multiplayer game, you can use this to practice playing against very easy bots. This gives you a chance to get used to aiming and shooting quickly. Essentially working on your accuracy and precision. 


Also! Watch "good" players on YouTube play the FPS multiplayer game you're playing. You can study their techniques and apply them when you play online for yourself! 


Don't get discouraged. Everyone is a beginner at FPS's at some point. We've all had our fair share of getting our ass handed to. Just keep going!


Happy holidays 



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20 minutes ago, TheLiamK said:

At the moment I am looking to get better at Killer Instinct and Overwatch, and I've got Battlefield 1 and PUBG on the way. I'm a bit gun shy after previous BF games, I always travel for ages to get to the action and then just get blown away. Poor showing on my part haha  ^_^ I think the thing with aim assist is I sort of 'drag' the reticle to what I'm about to shoot while starting to aim down sights, aiming for the throat/upper chest but auto aim corrects it slightly and throws it off. Thinking about trying to take it off see how that goes.


I'd like to start making use of longer range weapons as well. I have issues trusting my aim so I tend to rely on shotguns/smgs/melee weapons as a cushion but when I want or need to use something else I struggle. No idea how I can get better at that, just practice and be garbage for a while I guess haha.

Will def try and do some more competitive stuff though. *looks at overwatch silver rating in shame* :D



Overwatch is different as I said, you can get really good and useful for your team just playing heroes that don't require aim (Reinhardt, Mercy, Winston...)

I play Overwatch on PC and I'm not that good aiming with the mouse, so most of the times I play the kind of heroes I said before (I'm high diamond :D), but I'm pretty sure there's no aim assist for console players.

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If at all possible, play with friends. Not only does it make it a more enjoyable playing experience, but I certainly pick up tips and tricks when playing with my friends (also makes it less discouraging to keep playing when you're getting your ass kicked). If you don't have irl friends playing the game, try making some friends on the game (or potentially here?). Going at it alone makes MP a very stale playing experience (at least for me).

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As stated before, try different game modes until there is one you are good at and start from there.

Keep moving - if you kill/die in a certain area move away from there and go somewhere else - the opponent will return to that spot

Watch your back 

Use cover effectively and don't always run out into the open

Use the radar to see enemy movements 

Always go together with a buddy 

If you try to do Rambo - you will die quicker

In one on one encounters try to aim for the juice box - easier said than done

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How good are you hoping to get? If you are just wanting to be a good player, the above advice will get you there but I would be pretty doubtful if they would get you to the higher rankings. 


If you want to be a great player, you have to experiment with everything. If you do this you will feel confident in every challenge.


Also, exclusively play ranked. You will get consistently better players. Watch tournaments and YouTubers too

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19 hours ago, midgetstrawdog said:

How good are you hoping to get? If you are just wanting to be a good player, the above advice will get you there but I would be pretty doubtful if they would get you to the higher rankings. 


If you want to be a great player, you have to experiment with everything. If you do this you will feel confident in every challenge.


Also, exclusively play ranked. You will get consistently better players. Watch tournaments and YouTubers too

This is great advice. Watching professional tournaments will do wonders. It not only will show you the most effective way to use each character, but it will also show you how to defend against common tactics used by competitive players.


I do this for Pokemon and have gotten really good at doubles battles because I can read my opponent's next move and adjust accordingly.

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Been watching some pro over watch streams when learning how to play Winston, it seems to help a little so far! I don't know if I'm having a lucky day but I usually play games with music/youtube/podcasts when playing, but I stuck some headphones in and listened to just the game and I seem to be doing a little better.

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By many of my friends I'm considered to be very good at multiplayer games, even tho I feel like I could be much better.. There is no easy way at getting better at mp. You have to be decent gamer in order to play decent at mp. I know from my own experience that ususally completing singleplayer on hard can prepare to play online better.. If a game have an option to play with bots, go for it. Also I highly recommend to watch some YT videos, something like Call of Duty in depth by drift0r, his videos helped me a lot when I was playing COD a lot. My Pic from early Black Ops 2 MP game.


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