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The Diaries of Agent Silent Death (Mein Leben)

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Hey all!


Just a bit of information regarding the Ultimate Spy trophy for Wolfenstein II's newest DLC.




The Gunslinger Joe DLC took you to the main menu after each volume was completed (even on Mein Leben difficulty). Agent Silent Death doesn't do this - meaning that when you finish one, you'll move right on to the next. If you die in any chapter, you're taken back to the menu.


This can be a little confusing for the Ultimate Spy trophy since it seems as though you might have to beat them all in one big ol' go (like the main story), but I can confirm that this is not the case. I played Volumes 1 and 2, and then died in 3. I loaded up Volume 3 on Mein Leben and completed it, which earned me the Ultimate Spy trophy. (I think I'm the first to earn it?)


tl;dr - You are able to select individual chapters to complete on Mein Leben and the game will track which ones you have completed. This DLC is, in my opinion, WAY easier than the Gunslinger Joe DLC as the levels are extremely short and there's a lot of stealth involved. (You don't have to enter combat even once if you're really smart!)


Happy hunting!

Edited by Kr1st0ph_212
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1 minute ago, bezdomnekoty said:

It would be more fun if we had to play all 3 chapters without dying like in the original mein laben trophy this way is to ez :D


It would be a challenge at least. Compared to the main game, these Mein Leben trophies are a piece of cake. This DLC is also shorter than the previous one - each level can be beaten in 10-20 minutes.

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1 minute ago, Kr1st0ph_212 said:


It would be a challenge at least. Compared to the main game, these Mein Leben trophies are a piece of cake. This DLC is also shorter than the previous one - each level can be beaten in 10-20 minutes.

Yep let's make a petition to make them all 3 together without chapter select haha

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