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The Old Cat's Lair [Building in Progress]


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Greetings from Soviet Russia!


I see that here we have a nice cozy forum for personal trophy stuff? I'm in ?


So much digital hunting space and so much to fill it with... Hm, what am I supposed to do first? I guess, planning is key. Sneak around, steal some ideas from the big guys – you know, the usual mean kitty stuff. Oh, introductions! Gotta earn their trust first. After all, humans can be suspicious towards us cats. Who knows what's on our minds? Sneaking in the dark, looking at humans with our weird eyes, touching their food while they sleep, putting unachievable lists on their profiles, and syncing them too – with one Bronze trophy earned! Oh, the pain! The damage done! ?


Oops, I've said something I shouldn't have said. Thoughts betrayed, exposed, escaping – like kittens out of a basket! Introductions, yes... Well, my trophy 'career' started in 2011 shortly after I bought my first PS3. Killzone 3 bundle, 320 GB. The girl is still alive and kicking ass, her disc drive a bit wonky though. I didn't know anything about trophies, I just needed some gaming device for my apartment. I was working abroad at the time with my gaming PC left back at home.


Killzone 3 – what a fun game it was! Still is. All the drama, the mushroom cloud, MAWLR and Stahl... Hey, what's that stuff popping up on the top right? Let's check the XMB. Trophies? What are they supposed to mean? Meh, no time for that, got sneaky stuff to do. Why are they still popping? Am I that good? Not really, judging by my 35% completion. Other games – not the awesomest sight as well. And how am I supposed to do that one? Help, Google, help! Ooh, a trophy HUNTING site! Gaming cards? Rarity? PSN Profiles? ...And that's how I got pulled in. By this gravitational thingy. Into your trophy galaxy.


My first profile was alive and gaining weight for 18 months or so. Until I decided to abandon it and start from scratch. Yeah, I know you've been waiting for more cat puns. I love 'em and their misplaced irony. Why did I want a new profile – this one I'm hiding behind? No particular reason. Maybe because I purchased another Killzone bundle, ShadowFall-themed package. My PS4 pre-order arrived in December 2013. In hindsight, absolutely no reason to leave the old profile behind. The idea to always aim at 100% appeared later. It's kinda littered with unfinished or barely started games but it also has its highlights, like Mass Effect Trilogy, a few God of War plats, etc. But I'm not leaving my current profile. Moreover, I'm going to perform the Big Migration! Yeah, a migrating cat – imagine that! So, the foundation of this lair will be found...-ed on rebuilding. Recycling even. Some of it has already been done or in progress.


So let's get drafting! On the outside – the Showcase for all my Platinums and PSN completions, divided into groups. Hall of Fame for all the hard-earned stuff and gaming series completed and Shameless Whoring Alley for stackables and the games I would never play if not for trophies. Then I'll have my Big Migration checklist, including games already restored from the ashes of my old profile. Then there will be my overall backlog. And also my wish list. All in this first post. I hope it will fit all my ambitions and accomplishments. I'll reserve a couple more below, just in case of the opposite. Really gotta steal some ideas from the top bloggers around!


Oh, and fake milestones – so fake you wouldn't believe! And my completion progress, game by game! And cat puns!!


From here, this is the construction site. When the place is fully open for business, I'll change the header of this thread. For now, let's put some meat on the bare bones below...


My Activities -> Challenges and 'We Plays'

My Showcase -> Unique Platinums and 100% PSN completions. There I put game icons followed by corresponding Platinum trophy icons and DLC icons if they are unique + the rarest trophies from the corresponding DLCs. Info on the platforms included (platforms the trophies were done at). Same goes for PSN games except the rarest trophy gets posted for the main game. If a PSN game is only partially complete (not 100% overall), it's not showcased.

My Shamess Whoring Alley -> Regional and platform stacks (probably enough to state all the duplicates in corresponding showcases). I'll admit whoring when posting historical stuff plus feel free to shame me in the comments :comp:

The Big Migration Checklist -> With cool tick icons I'm yet to steal!

The rest of my Backlog

My wish list


My Unique :platinum: Showcase



#01 The Walking Dead - Season 11Sa2891b.png + S0d0123.png48Sfebc07.png (PS3, PS4, Vita)

#02 Remember Me1Sd5afdf.png (PS3)

#03 Uncharted: Golden Abyss1S72a8c3.png (Vita)

#04 Thief1Se444ca.png (PS4)

#05 Fallout 31Sd8761b.png55S50aa31.png59S93d846.png64S439284.png69Sc82abd.png73Sd86cc2.png (PS3)

#06 Mercenary Kings1Sf3b95c.png (PS4)

#07 Gravity Rush1S1e19fe.png + 47S5bdccd.png55Sf02bd7.png63S31a827.png (Vita)

#08 Fallout: New Vegas1S6ee2f0.png + 55S3cb42c.png57S7e797e.png63Scb6813.png71S95084b.png76S7b3340.png (PS3)

#09 Assassin's Creed 21S61800c.png (PS3)

#10 Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition1S91f887.png (PS3, PS4)

#11 S6344af.png1Sc6e10b.png (PS4)

#12 Sd6ce0c.png1S4c8d25.png (Vita)

#13 S3dc926.png1Sf37106.png (PS4)

#14 S7ac214.png1Sce74bd.png (PS4)

#15 S1f366e.png1Seea3e0.png (PS4)

#16 S611100.png1Se782a5.png (PS3, PS4)

#17 S5915a0.png1Sc82313.png (PS4)

#18 S3f1e16.png1Sf68d0e.png + 59Sa0f7a1.png66Sc0767d.png74S6d80c1.png (PS3)

#19 S58ab8b.png1S6c8cce.png (PS4)

#20 Sf1ba6f.png1Sf5412a.png DLCs not completed! (PS4)

#21 S0a6f5c.png1S6eabd3.png DLCs not completed! (PS4)

#22 Sb034ad.png1S120bf9.png (PS4)

#23 S7a3aee.png1S767353.png (PS3)

#24 Scf336e.png1S238f94.png (PS3)

#25 S5893a6.png1S49074f.png (PS3)

#26 S0e97d5.png1Sac38ae.png (PS3)

#27 S7e82f1.png1Sc4b7eb.png DLCs not completed! (PS4)

#28 S38d959.png1Saf48ad.png + 58Sd8be01.png68S24f015.png (PS3)

#29 S4fd3eb.png1S6a6ba6.png (PS3)

#30S109561.png1Scf35c1.png DLCs not completed! (PS3)

#31 Sea41a6.png1S12e4c7.png + S0fe8c9.png45Sa2b578.png + S142876.png49S446df0.png + S824387.png55Sde4b29.png + S9322e5.png60Sb14607.png (PS3)

#32 S4ed37f.png1Sf081ed.png (Vita)

#33 S048570.png1S886c70.png + S150d0d.png54Sd8cb9c.png (PS3)

#34 S9d0c05.png1S1a5362.png (Vita)

#35 Sb6c0ca.png1Sa5be93.png + S325f07.png51S82f02d.png + Scffa0b.png55S96df07.png + S52844e.png69S8c127e.png (PS3)

#36 Sf3c83a.png1S9a973f.png (Vita)

#37 Sc73632.png1S46f1bc.png (PS4)

#38 Sd3985e.png1S356d8c.png (Vita)

#39 Sd17f90.png1Sed6bd2.png (PS4)

#40 Sa05a35.png1Sa5481c.png (PS3)

#41 S4fd857.png1S7b321f.png + S7d2cf0.png53S06db8a.png + S9608fc.png58S402270.png (PS3)

#42 Sebafc8.png1S783f92.png (Vita)

#43 S59313c.png1S512d90.png + S8eb844.png59Sf056ea.png + Sa4a5b3.png78Scd55c5.png (PS4)

#44 S0ba277.png1S9945a1.png (PS4)

#45 S549d41.png1S191f10.png (PS4)

#46 S890cb7.png1Sa6e2cf.png (PS3)

#47 S74682f.png1Se1bfb8.png (Vita)

#48 S78a4de.png1Sbb9dd8.png (Vita)

#49 Sdf9b0a.png1Sc59bea.png + 58S3a2ef6.png + 63S917ed9.png + 75S8917e4.png(PS3) -> Multiplayer Platinum included

#50 S9adddc.png1S44657e.png (PS3)

#51 Sc6f427.png1S0f7437.png + 63S25097c.png + 66S9829fd.png + 82S5ad1d9.png (PS3)

#52 S64c88b.png1Scc7f43.png (PS4)

#53 Sc9823a.png1S2a9a0c.png + S30f4c3.png53S86946a.png (PS4)

#54 S583a1a.pngidxOY2f.png (PS3, PS4)

#55 S384c63.png1S776759.png (PS3)

#56 S4053e7.png1S391901.png (Vita)

#57 S04f346.png1Sfdc414.png (PS3)

#58 Scb02e9.png1S999c41.png (PS3)

#59 Sd4ad83.png1S518cff.png (PS4, DG+PH)

#60 Se72499.png1S83aec0.png (PS4)

#61 S24cf21.png1Scd811f.png (PS3)

#62 S1ae6d8.png1S489bd6.png + S4c4efc.png47Se11b82.png (PS4)

#63 S81536b.png1S6e0751.png + Saa8fa0.png46S5e5e72.png (PS4)

#64 S69f04a.png1S18f57c.png + Sb4e769.png52Se82813.png (PS4)

#65 S57a5f1.png1Sd59432.pngDLC not completed! (PS3)



My Unique PSN 100% :gold: Showcase



#01 Sc04813.png6S42a639.png (PS4)

#02 Sab6f60.png1S311ad7.png(Vita, PS4)

#03 S061e0e.png12S65563d.png (Vita, PS3)

#04 S7f8330.png13Scaf511.png (PS4)

#05 S3a4ba2.png1Sb12db8.png (PS4)

#06 Sadb7c4.png5S07b394.png(Vita, PS3)

#07 S482d65.png11Sc9f42d.png (Vita)

#08 S96921e.png12S83d07d.png (Vita)

#09 S276fb5.png19S6009b2.png (PS4)

#10 Sa9f08e.png1Sc9a4d8.pngS1d069f.png16S0f51f0.png + Sc18bb9.png24S610c1c.png + S157a96.png32S2992c3.png + Sc2a9d1.png40Sa43c33.png (Vita, PS3, PS4)

#11 S1937d6.png11S1a4cf2.png (Vita)

#12 Sd576e0.png8S879b5d.png + S9f29c4.png12S76f9b8.png (PS4)

#13 Sd16abe.png13Sc085e2.png (Vita, PS4)

#14 Sd603e3.png11S539115.png (PS4)

#15 S1050d8.png7Se6eb5b.png (PS4)

#16 S1b1816.png12S0e45bc.png + S565bbd.png10S96683b.png + S7f3d30.png12Sa15fe0.png + S3bca31.png11S889d09.png + Sfb8c89.png12Seadc4b.png (PS3)

#17 S84ba2f.png12Scaaee9.png + Sd9f815.png5Se4c6f5.png + S8f7e91.png7S82b7eb.png + Sfc80af.png11S2d5309.png + S27b89a.png6S69c19d.png (PS3)

#18 S4404ce.png13S5d37d2.png (PS3)

#19 Sc44001.png10Se02ed0.png (Vita)

#20 S62b398.png6S3fc58a.png (Vita)

#21 S9790dd.png8S23000d.png + S84174b.png21Sea89a9.png (PS4)

#22 S83ea5d.png14S5e3c9c.png (PS4)

#23 Sdae50d.png11S00bdbe.png + S7eb238.png13Scbfaab.png + S42d688.png15Sd966b3.png (Vita)

#24 Sd28af0.png1Sbb0434.png (PS4)

#25 S8b192a.png12Sf53a37.png + S632c16.png14S904ae6.png + Seb474b.png16S4b2096.png + S1b9186.png19S583e87.png + Sb1312b.png23S8c58bc.png (PS4)

#26 S036268.png21S220928.png (PS3)

#27 S324c04.png10S4c2dbe.png + 23Sb7c903.png + 26S1a5d72.png + 46S093085.png + 51Sec2867.png + 68S28978f.png + 75S400ff0.png + 83Sbcf00b.png (PS4)

#28 S39d880.png15Sb47219.png (PS3)

#29 Sc4b171.png6S85e65a.png (PS3)

#30 S735487.png16S6e9cd0.png (PS4)





Edited by K0t0bl1tz
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My General Challenges


Boost Your Trophy Grades 2017 (completed) -> Starting post -> Final post


✅ No ranks lower than A

✅ Overall completion rate of 95% or higher

❎ 99 unearned trophies (or less)


Boost Your Trophy Grades 2018 (in progress) -> Starting post



Project Platinums and We Plays


Assassin's Creed -> Current rank: Disciple with 4 Platinums

Killzone -> Current rank: Elite with 2 Platinums

Uncharted -> Current rank: Artifact Collector with 4 Platinums + Gambler (Fight for Fortune)

Edited by K0t0bl1tz
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The Big Migration Checklists


I'm bringing all my completed games to this current profile, PS3 and Vita titles. Plus there are some games that were bought but never played or completed. Migrated games are ticked green. So... here we go:


Checklist 1 Completed games (Platinums or PSN 100%)



#1. Assassin's Creed II 2705.png

#2. God of War

#3. God of War: Ghost of Sparta

#4. God of War: Chains of Olympus

#5. God of War II

#6. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood 2705.png

#7. God of War III

#8. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD

#9. Dead Space

#10. Assassin's Creed: Revelations 2705.png

#11. Pure Chess 2705.png

#12. Dead Space: Extraction

#13. Worms

#14. Dead Space: Ignition

#15. Dead Space 2

#16. Machinarium 2705.png

#17. Sam & Max: Beyond Time & Space (Ep. 1-5) 2705.png

#18. Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (Ep. 1-5) 2705.png

#19. The Walking Dead 2705.png

#20. Killzone 3 & Killzone 3 Multiplayer 2705.png

#21. Killzone HD 2705.png

#22. Sleeping Dogs

#23. Mass Effect

#24. Assassin's Creed III

#25. Catherine 2705.png

#26. Mass Effect 2

#27. Mass Effect 3



Checklist 2 Incomplete Games



#1. Mortal Kombat

#2. Magic 2012

#3. L.A. Noire 2705.png

#4. Fallout: New Vegas 2705.png

#5. Fallout 3 2705.png

#6. Red Dead Redemption

#7. Heavy Rain 2705.png

#8. Duke Nukem Forever

#9. BioShock 2705.png

#10. Bioshock 2

#10. Grand Theft Auto IV

#11. Peggle

#12. Mafia II

#13. MotorStorm: Apocalypse

#14. LittleBigPlanet

#15. Darksiders

#16. Worms: Ultimate Mayhem

#17. Rock of Ages

#18. Borderlands

#19. LittleBigPlanet 2

#20. Worms 2: Armageddon

#21. Batman: Arkham Asylum 2705.png

#22. Batman: Arkham City

#23. Doom 3

#24. Dead Space 3

#25. Dragon Age: Origins

#26. Dead or Alive 5

#27. Angry Birds Trilogy

#28. Crysis

#29. Okami HD

#30. The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

#31. Joe Danger 2: The Movie

#32. Tekken 6

#33. BioShock Infinite

#34. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

#35. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 2705.png

#36. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2705.png

#37. Bulletstorm

#38. God of War: Ascension

#39. Saints Row: The Third

#40. The Last of Us

#41. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

#42. Fritz Chess

#43. Tomb Raider 2705.png

#44. Grand Theft Auto V 2705.png

#45. Stealth Inc.

#46. Welcome Park

#47. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

#48. Diablo III 2705.png

#49. Assassin's Creed III: Liberation 2705.png

#50. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag



Checklist 3 0% games and old backlog



#1. Max Payne 3

#2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 2705.png

#3. Dungeon Siege III

#4. Dead Island

#5. Far Cry 2

#6. Uncharted: Golden Abyss 2705.png

#7. Dark Souls

#8. Demon's Souls

#9. Ico

#10. Shadow of the Colossus

(to be continued...)



Edited by K0t0bl1tz
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[WIP] My complete backlog

This list utilizes a priority system which allows to clear out backlog games in any order without jeopardizing the purity of this here profile. By 'purity' I mean the possibility to attain 100% in each and every game no matter how difficult it may be. If all trophies are physically obtainable, I go for it. But there's a way to determine which games go first. Unobtainable trophies are trivial deal breakers, but there are also multiplayer and DLC trophies that always put our completion rates at risk.


0️⃣ -> Games on my current list started before December 1, 2018.

1️⃣ -> Games with no DLC/MP trophies, unless MP trophies are easily obtainable and/or all the DLCs were previously purchased (free or included with the game, like in GOTY editions).

2️⃣ -> Games with DLC/MP trophies, MP prioritized in order to avoid online discontinuation.

3️⃣ -> Games with ultra hardcore MP/co-op trophies and/or hard/grindy MP-only games.

❎ -> Games with terminal glitches, unobtainable MP trophies or de-listed DLCs (i.e. games that can't be 100% completed).


Games are listed in no particular order (yet), priorities may change in time. The way it's planned, I'm going for the 0️⃣ games first, playing them about 60-90 minutes per day. Then I play whatever I want, mostly the 1️⃣ or 2️⃣ titles. My goal is to download as many games as possible to all my consoles and play each of them through at least once to burn them on my profile. Easy platinums will get cleared quickly in order to free up space. In general, though, I should be able to play whatever I want whenever I want. And then I'll see if my completion rate needs improvement in 2020.


Trophy lists available across different platforms go to PS4 backlog first because of bigger HDD space for both consoles, more than 2 TB overall. Same goes for PS3/Vita lists, with PS3 set as a primary device.


Checklist 0 Top Priority


1. Zen Pinball 2 (PS4)

2. Pinball FX3 (PS4)

3. Resogun (PS4)

4. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS3)

5. Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4)

6. SteamWorld Dig (PS4)

7. SteamWorld Dig (Vita)

8. Peggle (PS3)

9. Pinball Arcade (PS4)

10. Tiny Brains (PS4)

11. Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4)

12. Injustice: Gods Among Us (PS4)

13. Don't Starve: Console Edition (PS4)


Checklist 1 PS4



Portal Knights

Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion


Worms Battlegrounds

We Are Doomed

Velocity 2X

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Until Dawn

Uncharted 4: The Thief's End

Uncharted: Lost Legacy

Uncanny Valley


Tropico 5

Trine Enchanted Edition

Trials Fusion


Transformers: Devastation

Trackmania Turbo

TowerFall Ascension

Tower of Guns


Titan Souls

Tiny Troopers Joint Ops

This War of Mine: The Little Ones

The Swindle

The Swapper

The Last of Us Remastered

The Evil Within

The Deadly Tower of Monsters

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Table Top Racing: World Tour

Switch Galaxy Ultra

Super Exploding Zoo

Styx: Master of Shadows


Stories: The Path of Destinies

Stern Pinball Arcade

Stealth Inc: Ultimate Edition

Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones




Space Overlords

Sound Shapes

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

SkyForce Anniversary

Skulls of the Shogun

Rogue Legacy

Rocket League


Resident Evil

Rayman Legends

Ratchet & Clank

Race the Sun

Q*bert: Rebooted

Pumped BMX+

PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate

Pix the Cat

Peggle 2

OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty

Not a Hero

Ninja Senki DX

Never Alone


Mighty No. 9

Metro Redux

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zero

Mad Max

Lords of the Fallen


Letter Quest Remastered

Laser Disco Defenders

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris

Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends


King Oddball

Just Cause 3


Invisible, Inc. Console Edition

In Space We Brawl

Hyper Void



Heavy Rain

Hand of the Gods


Grand Kingdom

Gone Home

Futuridium EP Deluxe


Everybody's gone to the Rapture

Ether One

Fallout Shelter

Escape Plan


Dungeon Punks

Dragon Age: Inquisition


Don't Die, Mr. Robot

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round

Day of the Tentacle Remastered

Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition

Color Guardians



Bombing Busters


Beyond: Two Souls

Azkend 2

Assassin's Creed: Unity

Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry

Aaru's Awakening


Amnesia Collection


Yakuza Kiwami

Sparkle 2

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


RocketBirds 2: Evolution

Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut


NBA 2K19: The Prelude

Mafia III

Laser League


God of War III

Foul Play

Fallout 4

Burly Men at Sea

BulletStorm: Full Clip Edition

Another World

2064: Read Only Memories



Badland: Game of the Year Edition

Call of Duty: Black Ops III


Dead by Daylight

Defiance 2050

Destiny 2


Friday the 13th: The Game

Gems of War

Hatoful Boyfriend

LittleBigPlanet 3

NBA 2k16

RIGS Mechanized Combat League

Secret Ponchos

StarBlood Arena

The Unfinished Swan


Checklist 2 PS3 (all accounts RU+UK+US & disc collection)


Zone of the Enders - HD Collection


Child of Light

Sly Raccoon

Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Sly 3: Honour Among Thieves

Assassin's Creed: Rogue

Demon's Souls

Pure Chess

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty

The Last of Us

God of War

God of War 2

God of War 3

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

God of War: Chains of Olympus

God of War: Ascension


LittleBigPlanet Karting

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale



Sound Shapes

Eat Them

Tokyo Jungle

Hustle Kings

Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic

Siren Blood Curse


Toy Home


LocoRoco Cocoreccho


Frozen Synapse Prime

The Book of Unwritten Tales

Legend of Kay Anniversary

Syberia 2

Zombie Driver HD

Blood Knights

Port Royale 3

Extreme Exorcism


Final Horizon

Surge Deluxe

Bound by Flame

Sacred 3

Risen 3: Titan Lords

Metro 2033: Last Light

PayDay 2

Deadly Premonition

Handball 16

Truck Racer


Serious Sam 3: BFE


Super Motherload

Papo & Yo


R-Type Dimensions

Costume Quest 2


NBA 2k14

Bioshock 2

Bioshock: Infinite

XCOM: Enemy Unknown


Borderlands 2

Monster Jam Battlegrounds

Yakuza 4

DuckTales: Remastered

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara

DmC Devil May Cry


Bionic Commando Rearmed 2

Dead Space

Dead Space 2

Dead Space 3

Dead Space: Extraction

Dead Space: Ignition

Prototype 2

Cloudberry Kingdom

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Tom Clancy's EndWar

TC's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Mad Riders

Rayman 3 HD

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

From Dust

Arkedo Series: 01 - JUMP!

Arkedo Series: 02 - SWAP!

Arkedo Series: 03 - PIXEL!

The Jackbox PartyPack 2


inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood (US account)

Beyond:Two Souls (US account)

Assassin's Creed III

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag


Mass Effect

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 3

The Pinball Arcade

Mafia II

Magic 2012

Batman: Arkham City

Duke Nukem Forever

Resident Evil 4

Prince of Persia Trilogy


inFamous 2


Crysis 2

Crysis 3


Worms Ultimate Mayhem

Resident Evil 5

Rock of Ages

Renegade Ops


Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light


Worms 2: Armageddon

Worms Crazy Golf

Grade Trial

Max Payne 3

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Dust 514

Double Dragon Neon

HELL YEAH! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit

Doom 3 BFG Edition

Cubixx HD

Dragon Age: Origins

Sleeping Dogs

Angry Birds Trilogy + Anger Management

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Alien: Isolation

Fritz Chess

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 オールスターバトル

Mortal Kombat 2009

Tekken 6

Hitman HD Collection

Dead Island

Dungeon Siege 3

Dark Souls

Resistance 2

Resistance 3

Red Dead Redemption

Grand Theft Auto IV


Checklist 3 Vita


Super Mutant Alien Assault

Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Sly 3: Honour Among Thieves

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty


The Unfinished Swan


The Hungry Horde



Smart As

Soul Sacrifice

PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale

Sound Shapes

Escape Plan

Little Deviants

Hustle Kings

Everybody's Golf

ModNation Racers: Road Trip

Letter Quest Remastered

Uncanny Valley

We Are Doomed

RocketBirds 2: Evolution

Level 22

Badland: Game of the Year Edition


Pix the Cat

Don't Die, Mr. Robot

Kick & Fennick

Another World

Rogue Legacy

Futuridium EP Deluxe


Gravity Crash Ultra


Switch Galaxy Ultra

Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse Ep. 1&2

PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate

PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD

OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood


Sparkle 2

King Oddball

Azkend 2: The World Beneath

Draw Slasher


Pumped BMX+

The Swindle

Stealth Inc 2: The Game of Clones


The Swapper

Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut


Tiny Troopers Joint Ops

Space Hulk

MotoGP 13

BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend

Sky Force Anniversary

Final Horizon

Atomic Ninjas

Surge Deluxe

Velocity 2X

Wanted Corp.

Bombing Busters

Dynasty Warriors Next


Super Exploding Zoo!

CastleStorm Complete Edition


Hatoful Boyfriend

Titan Souls

Foul Play


Hotline Miami

Day of the Tentacle Remastered

Woah Dave!


Q*Bert Rebooted

Race the Sun


Ninja Senki DX


The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Joe Danger

Rainbow Moon


Grand Kingdom

Dragon's Crown

Muramasa Rebirth

Exile's End

LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7

Dungeon Punks

Colour Guardians

Laser Disco Defenders

Space Overlords


2064: Read Only Memories


Claire: Extended Cut


Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved


Burly Men at Sea


Papers, Please


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It was just an unrelated cat pun. The link worked yesterday but, I guess, that photo hosting site is trying to extort some subscription money from me. Ain't happening ?


As for internal trophy/game images, I know about hotlinking them. Sneaking up to this task.


UPD: Goodbye, PhotoBucket! Hello, imgur... Let's see how you'll behave.

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Let's start with some recent fake milestones of which there are four...


Rare trophy #555


Pinball FX3 -> :silver:Did It for the Dowry

Start the Princess multiball on Epic Quest by hitting the locker wheel 3 times

Current rarity: 13.99%


Gold trophy :gold: #250


Killzone 3 -> :gold:Let's Go Home

Destroyed Stahl's Cruiser and left the planet on any difficulty

Current rarity: 57.24%


Bronze trophy :bronze: #2,500


Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness -> :bronze:Bedtime Stories

You have reached the "Bedtime Stories" route

Current rarity: 28.21%


Uncommon trophy #1,234


Killzone 3 Multiplayer -> :silver:Frequent Flyer Fly for 60 Seconds

With a Jetpack equipped, fly for 60 seconds or more in Tharsis Depot

Current rarity: 34.05%


Stay tuned for my 200th Ultra Rare! :popcorn:

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Showcases are now finished! It was fun actually – posting all these icons, good memories about some of them... More work ahead but feel free to comment on what you already see. I know it's not really awesome in terms of hardcore completions, rarity and stuff but I'm working on some cool Plats and 100%s.



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Time to start posting progress updates. While this game is not as special story-wise as I expected, it still requires some attention because...


40-platinum.png Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness 40-platinum.png




:platinum: #52

S rank #88

?️ Level-up trophy (pure coincidence)


This visual novel is disappointing. It would be even more so if it wasn't a PS+ game. I hadn't read any reviews on it at the time, even thought of buying it at some point. As soon as I started it, I didn't like the setting, colors and a bunch of characters introduced almost all at once. And, what's worse, they are not really interesting. The story lacks variety and the base plot stays almost the same across all chapters despite two playable characters. Moreover, if a scene is a tiny bit different from the one you've read before, the game won't let you skip even the parts you already know by heart. I 'play' VNs honestly (with a guide at paw though), not force skipping anything, so by the end of my 5th full playthrough I was pretty fed up with it.


I have to admit, I like Code:Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ much better although it's an otome title. After all, it has vibrant colors and cool characters, the story branches in 5 different ways, and read text can be skipped properly. And, of course, Psycho-Pass can't compete with Steins;Gate on any level. I mean in terms of Vita 'novelization', not the anime. I haven't watched any of those titles, so can't say anything on this category.


Oh, and the mini-game. You actually need to grind it for some time to buy all the voice and picture content necessary for the Platinum trophy. I got as far as level 9-1 and grinded the remaining points on that level getting up to 5.4k per game but always failing it. This small puzzle game is actually not bad, even a bit addictive.


My verdict: 6/10 (has its moments but pretty bland overall)

Platinum difficulty: 3/10 (guide needed + mini-game to grind)




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40-platinum.png Killzone 3 Multiplayer 40-platinum.png




:platinum: #53

S rank #89


This Platinum is a part of my Migration Project – I really need to get to posting these lists. Like, right now! Seriously, dude:comp:


I never bother with multiplayer portion of any game, no matter how it's praised. Unless there are MP trophies in a game that I like. And if it's a series, I must collect 'em all! DLCs included, no matter how tedious and difficult. Not pointing my claw or anything, Uncharted 3. Will be back later.


That said, Killzone 3 was the first ever game on my first profile. This new profile already has the Shadow Fall platinum but I couldn't get myself to finishing the series until the server shutdown was announced. Today I officially finished all things online for KZ2 & KZ3, including this standalone platinum. The next one on migration list is KZ3 itself (remaining single player trophies). I'm leaving KZ2 SP for later because it's a tad hardcore.


Well, the multiplayer... For a cat who's not interested in things like that it was kinda fun. Most trophies on the previous profile were done without boosting, back when the community was more active and servers more stable. This time it was boosting through and through. I have a second console + KZ2 boosting experience, so I did most of KZ3 online trophies in both games with my alt. Didn't have to buy a second disc because MP edition and full game are compatible.


My verdict: 7/10 (not interested in MP games but this one was fun while it lasted)

Platinum difficulty: 3/10 (only 3 trophies require more that 2 players to boost)



Helghan belongs to the Helghast!




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40-platinum.png Killzone 3 40-platinum.png




:platinum: #54

S rank #90


The single-player Platinum has also been successfully migrated. Same icon and, mostly, the same trophy, so the MP Plat won't affect the unique count. It's more like another DLC.


So, Killzone 3 - my first PlayStation game ever on my old profile. A great past-gen blockbuster game, it was love at first sight. The universe is not very big, so I didn't really have any problems with understanding what was going on; even though there were no codex/intel entries to read. When I revisited the campaign this year, I was surprised how good it still was after 7 years. And I still like it better then Killzone 2.


Not much to say, so I'll be brief...


My verdict: 8/10 (one of my favourite shooters, although it's not really my genre in general)

Platinum difficulty: 5/10 (an average Platinum with a bit of everything)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Still no time to finish my backlog checklists but trophies still coming. And there's another fake milestone...


Rare trophy #600




Rise of the First Order

Start a Multiball on the mini playfield of the Might of the First Order table!

Game: Pinball FX3

Current rarity: 15.07%


Also my 100th post here as well, yay! :platinum:

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  • 3 weeks later...



:platinum: Diablo III :platinum:




:platinum: #55

S rank #91


Another long grind finished and another old game successfully 'migrated'. I was close to having this Platinum on my old profile. This time I started from scratch ?


First, I tried the Hardcore mode starting from Normal difficulty and increasing it after a full campaign playthrough. I had 3 characters (Barbarian, Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor) and successfully killed all of them. The most successful was the Witch Doctor who survived until Belial in Inferno mode with Master I difficulty. After that, I had about 2.2M gold for the trophy, across 3 dead character.


Then I created a softcore hero (Demon Hunter) and just went for it in the same manner, only starting from Hard difficulty. After I had finished all the playthroughs including Inferno on Master II difficulty, I just played the game some more on Master III and got the remaining gold last Caturday. Technically, early Sunday morning.


It's been a long time. I quit the game, then returned to it. Finally it's done. Time to get to the Necromancer pack on PS4. And, at some point, I'll return to the PS3 version of Reaper of Souls - because it's Diablo and I love it!


My verdict: 8/10 (lower than RoS because it's a vanilla version, currently not available digitally on PSN)

Platinum difficulty: 2/10 (nothing difficult, only grind for gold)



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Killzone 2 (+100% DLC)




:platinum: #56

S rank #92

Ultra Rare trophy #200


Right after the previous Platinum, I realized it was time to finish this one as well. I only had the final battle left with one checkpoint in it already cleared. I had some difficulties but I managed it pretty fast. But it was a hard road to victory.


I had a copy of this game untouched for a few years. I tried to start it on my old profile but my disc drive was acting up, so I put it away. I already had the Shadow Fall Platinum on my profile when they announced the servers shutdown. I accepted this 'now or never' challenge and now it's successfully completed with a second console and much help from my online buddies. The longest was the Valor Grand Cross grind which took me three tries and many hours.


First week was a failure because me and my gaming partner fell short from the 29k goal. He dropped out and I continued on my own. After 3 days, I realized it was too much of a strain with a single alt and asked for help on a local forum. With the help of my new partner and 3-4 bots overall, I increased my score to 51k but... failed again because I was playing during the server reset time and my trophy glitched. For the next two weeks I was helping two other people from my team get the trophy, then they helped me again. But that time the scores needed to be pulled were insane... and, at the same time, it was the week when a guy with 19k got the trophy because many gave up on the idea. I had more than 150k. Imagine my surprise :jaymon:


But that was not all of it, I had been helping the rest of the team to get it after me. The team got bigger in the process, and we still have that PSN chat for other games. Because we are an effective team, every gang member got the Valor Grand Cross. Now it seems like a thing from a long gone past, like I wasn't even there.


The single-player part of the game was relatively easy. Well, except the final battle on Elite difficulty. It's easier with the door glitch but still requires some patience and a tiny bit of luck. In the final stage, flamethrower + M4 revolver combo did the trick.


The game itself is good. Not as polished as KZ3 but it had some moments. Well, it's the best console shooter of 2009 - that says a lot. It's nice to have something like this on your profile, especially since it's no longer obtainable without online trophies finished beforehand.


My verdict: 8/10 (KZ3 is my favorite though)

Platinum difficulty: 7/10 (the most difficult in my 'career')

DLC difficulty: 2/10 (easy to boost with a second console)




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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a long time since I've last posted here, but it's business as usual. Trophies popping daily and all the checklists are still pending... Need to do it soon!


Meanwhile, I've decided to put my trophy hunting principles on 'paper'. Mostly for internal use but maybe someone else will accept them as their own.


0. My big goal is to reach and maintain 99% completion rate with 99 or less unearned trophies.

1. Trophies should pop daily. A trophy a day keeps my whoring at bay. One daily trophy on business days, two dailies on Saturdays, Sundays, vacation days and bank holidays. Multipliers can be applied for extra challenge. Trophies can't be earned 'in advance'. If I get 50 trophies today, I'm still due one or two tomorrow.

2. New games are not supposed to be added until the overdue trophies number reaches 10. Then this new game gets all my attention and the gap should be closed as soon as catly possible. If I've been a good boy lately and secured some solid objectives (like completing base game or DLC trophy sets), I can treat myself with an easy game I know I can complete over a few days without jeopardizing my big goal (last week of the month should be great, when you already can tell how good you've been performing). Old games should still be worked on but not at full strength - some rest is needed from time to time.

3. There's absolutely no shame in whoring. But it's always better to play something you actually enjoy, so put your whoring urges to stacking - platform, regional, etc. I won't get out of my hide to obtain some rare Korea-only disc for another Platinum of the same game, but I'll keep my eyes open just in case I can grab something like that.


That's all I have in my small head at the moment. Maybe I'll add something later but it looks good as it is now.

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  • 2 weeks later...







:platinum: #57

S rank #93


I've been a good kitty lately. Cleaning up the old stuff, advancing my progress, etc. So right before finishing the game from the next post, I wanted to treat myself with something easy. And here's Batman by Telltale, a PS+ game.


In general, it's the same good old Telltale with their own illusion of choice, QTEs, frame rate drops and animation glitches. As for the story itself, it turned out to be surprisingly... fresh? I really liked how the Wayne family's past was presented. It made Batman more likeable for me, more down-to-earth in a way. Unlike the movies, there's no grotesque. The plot is toned down to a more realistic style but it helps make the story more intense, the game's also pretty violent at times. The opening scenes sets the mood perfectly, definitely not PG-13 material.


Well, it has some arguable moments, like the Penguin's new interpretation. Also Vicky's motivation could have been explained better. But, overall, the game is fun and recommended to all who's interested in the universe of it.


My verdict: 8/10 (great game but Telltale should REALLY do something about their engine + some questionable plot moments)

Platinum difficulty: 1/10 (all the trophies are story-related)

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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (100% DLC)




:platinum: #58

S rank #94


:silver: #888 -> 8Secbf10.pngBatting 500 (Complete 500 Bounties)


Another long Diablo grind finished, this time for PS4 (the Necromancer DLC included). Nothing much to say here: it's Diablo. This version of the game is way too easy to Platinum unless you make yourself some challenges along the way. Easy but boring with 500 bounties to grind unless, of course, you combine it with some other challenges like rifts. Overall the trophy list, as Zoltun Kulle would say, is not very imaginative. It could be so hardcore and grindy by looking at some internal achievements (like killing 100,000 demons as Demon Hunter). Hell, give us some Greater Rifts to do solo and Torment-related trophies, but nooo. Damn, this trophy list could be so much more.


About the game itself, simple - it's great. Lots of content with the latest updates and DLC pack. The Necromancer class is fun to play. I started getting close calls with it only on Torment IV difficulty (I played Hardcore all the way, did 400 bounties with my Necromancer).


Someday I'll also do the PS3 version with a hardcore challenge of my own to make it last.


My verdict: 9/10 (as close as possible to what the vanilla D3 should've been)

Platinum difficulty: 2/10 (easy but boring to grind only the bounties)

DLC difficulty: 2/10 (also too easy with no added challenge)

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Life Is Strange (PS3)


:platinum: #59

S rank #95


Common Trophy #1,500 ->  Meter Made (Take optional photo #9 in Episode 2: Out of Time)


A very nice adventure game, unexpectedly captivating. It's actually more engaging than some Telltale titles. The illusion of choice is still out there but, considering the plot, it actually works. Not much more to say – play the game if you haven't yet. Jump right in the middle and experience it, live this world (and don't forget to feed squirrels and water Lisa).


My verdict: 9/10 (one of the best adventure games I've ever played except for the nightmare section – screw it and its optional photos)

Platinum difficulty: 2/10 (some collectibles aren't obvious)


Also it's time for one more fake milestone:


Ultra Rare trophy #222


Pinball FX3 -> :bronze:The Wanderer

Reach level five on the Fallout® Pinball table

Current rarity: 2.42%



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  • 2 weeks later...



Assassin's Creed III: Liberation (PS3)


:platinum: #60

S rank #96


Silver Trophy #900 -> 7S405551.png :silver:Complete Aveline's Story (Complete the game [fake ending])

Common Trophy #1,515 -> 14S5291eb.png:silver:Survivor (Survive 10 animal encounters)

Uncommon Trophy #1,337 -> 12Se5bbde.png  :gold:Persona Collector (Collect every persona-specific collectible)


Lots of fake milestones with this one :popcorn:


I already have this game's Platinum on Vita, and back then I had to struggle with questionable sensor controls and crappy multiplayer, whatever it was. Thankfully, nothing of that is present in this port, so it's pretty much the same AC game with all the standard flaws. This particular game is not very gripping, boring even. The storytelling is mediocre at best and voiceovers are at times horrible, plus those accents... It's short though, collectibles are easier to find as well - now they appear on the map when you're near them, no need to pinpoint them with Eagle Vision. Also some missions were changed.


My verdict: 6/10 (improved in comparison to the Vita version but not much added in terms of content, it should've stayed portable)

Platinum difficulty: 3/10 (easier than the Vita version because online grind and some stupid kill trophies were removed)



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  • 6 months later...

OK, time to get back on track. But before I do anything else here, I need to complete my backlog lists. I know, it's getting old. This time it's for real though. I'll have a few more or less free days until the end of the year, so it would be a shame to miss the opportunity to catch up ?


I've been into this challenge lately where you need to improve your trophy grades, completion rate and stuff; but when I got to 96% from 84% or whatever I had in 2017, it seems a bit... unfair. I still have a huge backlog with lots of cool old games waiting to be played. So maybe I need to acknowledge the vastness of it before trying to 'improve' stuff. And that's why I'm going to murder my completion rate and then struggle to bring it back to life. That's what I need finalized lists for.


My goal is to download as many games as possible to all my consoles and play each of them through at least once to burn them on my profile. Easy platinums will get cleared quickly in order to free up space. In general, though, I should be able to play whatever I want whenever I want. And then I'll see if my completion rate needs improvement in 2020. The work has begun, see the top parts of this thread. I should be able to complete all the required lists by the end of the week.


This time it's serious!



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Spoilers are misbehaving again no matter if I use images instead of emoticons (could be I screwed up something though), so I'm going with color coding for the backlog. Ugh, who would've thought I have 150+ games in my PS4 backlog alone, thanks to PS+. Still need to check some of them, but at least I have them all listed. Excluded a few titles I added free DLC packs for without owning base games. VR-only titles not included as well because I don't own the device (yet).

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On 12/10/2018 at 10:51 PM, DragonQuest238 said:

Wow, nice to see that cats can earn trophies.


Oh, yes - we can! Although most of us choose not to. We actually prefer old-school stuff, like playing with a ball of yarn or scratching and biting our humans ?

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