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"Hour Mark" Trophies


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I'd like to think I've got at least one these hidden away somewhere in my trophy log ... but I honestly can't be bothered to sit down and look through a 140 something pages worth of trophies so I guess I'll never know ... oh well such is life ;) 


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4 hours ago, MMDE said:


Go to your trophy log.




Press F12, or right click and inspect element or something like that, to open up a sidebar window in your web browser. Click the "console" tab. Just google how to open the console window in your web browser if you struggle with this part.


var page=1, lastPage = document.getElementsByClassName("typo-button"), lastPage = parseInt(lastPage[lastPage.length-1].innerText);
(function lookFor0000(){
	if(page%10==0) console.log("checking: " + page+"/"+lastPage);
	$.get("log?page="+page, (data)=>{
		if(data.match(/:00:00/)) console.log("match at page: "+data.match(/\?page=(\d+)" class="typo-button active"/)[1]+"!");


Copy/paste this into the console window and hit enter. If it tells you it is unsafe or whatever, just do what it says to ignore this warning. Pretty simple code and all it does is goes through each page of your trophy log, checking to see if it can find ":00:00". If it can find that, it'll tell you in the console window that it found a match on a specific page. For feedback's sake, I've also made it so it will tell you each time it has checked 10 pages and when it hits the last page.


Brilliant. I added this to the first post as a lot of people will probably end up missing your post. @Rune2303


I actually tried to test this on firefox and chrome, but for some reason it isn't returning any results although the code and feedback checks are running fine and I know for a fact I have at least one (it just so happens to be on the most recent page of the log). Any ideas?

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5 minutes ago, Zolkovo said:


Brilliant. I added this to the first post as a lot of people will probably end up missing your post. @Rune2303


I actually tried to test this on firefox and chrome, but for some reason it isn't returning any results although the code and feedback checks are running fine and I know for a fact I have at least one (it just so happens to be on the most recent page of the log). Any ideas?


Oh lulz. Should start with: var page=0, not: var page=1


Should fix the problem, because else it skips first page before checking it.

Edited by MMDE
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1 hour ago, Zolkovo said:


Brilliant. I added this to the first post as a lot of people will probably end up missing your post. @Rune2303


I actually tried to test this on firefox and chrome, but for some reason it isn't returning any results although the code and feedback checks are running fine and I know for a fact I have at least one (it just so happens to be on the most recent page of the log). Any ideas?


Ah nice, well there you go turns out I did in fact have a couple of trophies in my log that fit this criteria :D 

Both pretty far back too so without this I doubt I'd have bothered to look this far to find them:




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5 hours ago, MMDE said:


Go to your trophy log.




Press F12, or right click and inspect element or something like that, to open up a sidebar window in your web browser. Click the "console" tab. Just google how to open the console window in your web browser if you struggle with this part.


var page=0, lastPage = document.getElementsByClassName("typo-button"), lastPage = parseInt(lastPage[lastPage.length-1].innerText);
(function lookFor0000(){
	if(page%10==0) console.log("checking: " + page+"/"+lastPage);
	$.get("log?page="+page, (data)=>{
		if(data.match(/:00:00/)) console.log("match at page: "+data.match(/\?page=(\d+)" class="typo-button active"/)[1]+"!");


Copy/paste this into the console window and hit enter. If it tells you it is unsafe or whatever, just do what it says to ignore this warning. Pretty simple code and all it does is goes through each page of your trophy log, checking to see if it can find ":00:00". If it can find that, it'll tell you in the console window that it found a match on a specific page. For feedback's sake, I've also made it so it will tell you each time it has checked 10 pages and when it hits the last page.



Your code doesn't consider trophies like


S9df1da.png 37S3641c1.png New 'n' Hasty
Rescue every Mudokon with an overall Best Time of 3:00:00 or less


There's a 00:00 in the trophy description.


I threw something together myself, fixes the little error and includes a counter for multiple results on the same page and even a snazzy progress bar. Same deal, just throw it in the console. It's not perfect, but I had fun coming up with it :).


var start_page = 1;
var last_page = parseInt($('.pagination:first li:nth-last-child(2)').text());
var current_page = start_page;

$('.title:first').after('<div class="progress_track" style="height:10px; width:100%; background-color:black;"></div>');
$('.progress_track').html('<div class="progress_bar" style="height:10px; width:1px; background-color:green;"></div>');

var interval = setInterval(function(){
	$('.progress_bar').css('width', $('.progress_track').width() / last_page * current_page);
		url: 'log?page=' + current_page,
		success: function(data){
			var matches = $(data).find('.typo-bottom-date:contains("00:00")');
			if(matches.length > 0){
				console.log(matches.length + ' match(es) found at page: ' + current_page);
			if(current_page < last_page){
}, 1000);




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56 minutes ago, Ric said:



Your code doesn't consider trophies like


S9df1da.png 37S3641c1.png New 'n' Hasty
Rescue every Mudokon with an overall Best Time of 3:00:00 or less


There's a 00:00 in the trophy description.


I threw something together myself, fixes the little error and includes a counter for multiple results on the same page and even a snazzy progress bar. Same deal, just throw it in the console. It's not perfect, but I had fun coming up with it :).


var start_page = 1;
var last_page = parseInt($('.pagination:first li:nth-last-child(2)').text());
var current_page = start_page;

$('.title:first').after('<div class="progress_track" style="height:10px; width:100%; background-color:black;"></div>');
$('.progress_track').html('<div class="progress_bar" style="height:10px; width:1px; background-color:green;"></div>');

var interval = setInterval(function(){
	$('.progress_bar').css('width', $('.progress_track').width() / last_page * current_page);
		url: 'log?page=' + current_page,
		success: function(data){
			var matches = $(data).find('.typo-bottom-date:contains("00:00")');
			if(matches.length > 0){
				console.log(matches.length + ' match(es) found at page: ' + current_page);
			if(current_page < last_page){
}, 1000);





lol, what I did was just something I threw together in some few seconds, and furthermore, I recommend you don't run this, because it will likely load a lot of images, use a lot more resources both on your side and the server. Also, it does each page load with 1 second between them, this is way more likely to lead to the script crashing at some point due to denial from the server when making too many requests at the same time, which PSNP does rather quickly. Would have been solved with a recursive function instead using the done method in an ajax call, something it runs after the request is completed (this must of course be done because you can't just loop it seeing as ajax is asynchronous). And the loading of the images would have been fixed by not parsing it using ajax, but instead:


var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
doc.documentElement.innerHTML = data;
return doc;

This returns the document node. :) 


I will try to fix what you tried to address though, maybe even add a counter! ;) 



var matches, page=0, lastPage = document.getElementsByClassName("typo-button"), lastPage = parseInt(lastPage[lastPage.length-1].innerText);
(function lookFor0000(){
	if(page%10===0) console.log("checking page: " + page+"/"+lastPage);
	$.get("log?page="+page, (data)=>{
		matches = data.match(/<nobr>\d+:00:00/g);
		if(matches!==null) console.log(matches.length+" match"+(matches.length>1?"es":"")+" at page: "+page+"!");


Edited by MMDE
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  • 2 months later...

I only have one...




:bronze: - Armed and dangerous - Create 50 weapon mods


Fallout 4 - 1st July 2017 at 4.00.00 PM


As I recall, I popped this by unequipping and reattaching my suppressor to my gun 50 times. My trophies in these types of threads are never good ones. 


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  • 2 months later...
On 5.3.2018 at 7:05 PM, dalailama1989 said:

Ha, I once thought about making a similar thread to ask if someone has :00:00 times, because I don't.

Just checked my log, :00:02 was the closest I got :D


As of today, I finally got my first :00:00 trophy :)


Wags to Riches
Solve every puzzle in "Bedtime Story"


18th Aug 2018
1:00:00 PM

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  • 7 months later...

I got two more! And one of them is the platinum!


Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas




:gold: Fish Sticks

Catch one fish of every kind





:platinum: Platinum

Get all other Trophies


Both earned on 23rd March 2019, at 11:00:00 PM



So cool! How did I manage to do that?

Edited by Carol
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