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Have you banned a franchise or dev because of trophies.


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I quit buying far cry and AC because of online trophies in  2 and brotherhood. Have since gone back.

Crysis was dropped after glitches in 2.

Quit COD's because every game has pain in the ass co op trophies.

theres also a pretty long list of games I skipped because of online or coop trophies when I knew the servers would be dead at launch.

just wondering if I'm the only one.


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I have not, and I think it's a bit silly to completely exclude entire series' after one poor experience with a game's trophies. You never know what kind of trophies a game will have, even if it's by the same developers as all the previous ones, and difficulties of said lists might vary from time to time. I'd say just do research before hand if you truly care that much about the game's trophies and choose whether you want to actually go for the platinum or not. No reason to skip a potentially fun experience just because the trophies might be a bit annoying.

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For trophies? No. That's ridiculous.

BioWare is banned from any future purchases because of how they handled Mass Effect Andromeda. Not because they released the game when it desperately needed an extra year of development. Not because the animations were a laughing stock. Not because the story was dog shit. Not because the characters were not likeable in the slightest. Not because it was the biggest departure from what made the games so special.

But because of how the studio abandoned updates on it. At least Hello Games didn't run after No Man's Buy flopped hard. They worked hard, and turned it completely around.

BioWare ran off because they were pussies. I laugh at anybody that is excited for Anthem. I don't care if Andromeda was helmed by their B team. Their entire brand looks like a joke when they run away from a problem instead of continuing to fix it.

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No. I'll gladly play games with online trophies despite having no intentions of touching online. Trophies do not make a game. Trophies are not what keeps me playing for hours and hours. They are merely something fun to achieve and challenge yourself with. You could be passing up a game that would become in your top ten by just looking at one small part of it. If it matters that much, make a new profile on your system for playing things with dead servers. Because you never know how much you might like something. Everything deserves a chance. 

Regardless, no one is ever the only one in anything. Ever.

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No, and honestly? I'd be hard pressed to think of a more stupid reason to blacklist a game series or developer.


Why would you even consider skipping games altogether simply because they include MP trophies?  If you don't like multiplayer then don't play it.  Simple as that.


Some of my best gaming experiences from the PS3/PS4 era have been from playing co-op modes with friends.

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I have a tendency to not buy or avoid games with super long/ hard trophies. However, I still buy the game if it is from a series I'm like or am a fan off, for example:

I bought Tales of Zestiria, Symphonia, and got Disgaea 4 and 5 both free via PS Plus as I like these series despite their difficult/ time consuming trophies. I just bought them for the fun. FFX is another, being an FF fan and FFX being my first FF games as a kid, I couldn't miss it just because of trophies. 


However, games I avoided because of the trophies include Yakuza series, World of FF, and Metal Gear Solid. I'm not a fan of any of these so although the reviews were not bad, I couldn't be sure if I'd enjoy them or not, and wouldn't want to be stuck with a game that I both don't like and is only partially completed trophy-wise. 

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Yes and no. No, I wouldn't boycott a developer just because I don't like the trophies. If I really want to play a game, I'll play it regardless, whether on my main account or somewhere else.


That said, Naughty Dog fucked up pretty big with Uncharted 4. I got the trophies, but their treatment of players -- first with the nerfs, then with their pay-to-win philosophy, and finally with their refusal to listen to their fanbase -- really irked me. At this point, I'd be fine never buying another ND game, even if it was completely devoid of online trophies.


So, I don't think trophies alone are a deciding factor for me, but how the company handles their game is. @Valyrious brought up a good point with BioWare. EA is another company that should be on quite a few shit lists, and I wouldn't blame anybody for boycotting them.

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On 31/3/2018 at 9:35 PM, Nightstream88 said:

If I'm interested in a game I'm going to buy it regardless of trophies or not.


This one.


However i wanted to ban Dead or Alive 5 and 5+ for some crazy online trophies. In the end i got both anyway... (i'll start DoA 5+ soon)

Luckily DoA 5 Ultimate and Last Round are way easier (about trophies). If there is a reason to ban this series is because the incredible amount of expensive DLCs...

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Nope. Although I do take trophies into consideration as a factor when purchasing a game they are not the determining reason that dictates if I should purchase a game/franchise or not. I prefer single player games over online experiences for a variety of a reasons but I wouldn't mind having an uncompleted game in case I decide to not go over that particular feature on a game. Same goes for tedious or grindy trophies. I don't think it would be a wise decision at all to avoid games completely due to trophies as you would be missing some great experiences out there.

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