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50 chests at the tower?


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The 50 chests has to been done in one run. I already had over 50 chests in multiple gameplays but they don't count together. So one run, good luck! (That's why the percentage is really low for this trophy.)


I suggest you have a backup of 200 coins to 'revive' in case you mess up some parts. I used the bomber, electric and ice player.

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  • 4 months later...

I got this trophy this morning using the Bomber, Electric and Ninja suits. I'd actually suggest having maybe 300 coins backup as I found later on the game kept throwing some really annoying sections at me and I lost multiple lives trying to get past the one part :shakefist: Maybe I'm just bad at it but I found if you lose concentration towards the end you can really start blowing through your coins. 


Anyway, it's a good idea as well if you have PS+ to upload your save to the cloud before attempting it, so that if you fail you can then close the game and redownload your save and you'll have all your coins back to try again. I made use of this after failing at about 45 chests. Good luck!

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  • 5 months later...

WTF .. I encountered a dead end ... The road was simply blocked, I was a bomber at the time and it wouldn't even blow up. So there I was, 2 hours into the dungeon, 35 chests in the pocket and at a dead end -_-. I'll try again tomorrow.
I was using 5 suits btw, electro, bomber, flying, ninja and dive. Apparently it is possible to select more than three, and the difficulty isn't really related to the suit.



I got it, no problems whatsoever in my 2nd run. In the first run I encountered random water/lava absorbing blocks which couldn't be moved, one finally blocked my path. No such random obstructions in my 2nd run, so it was rather easy. Takes about 2 hours to reach 50 chests.

Edited by de_digibeet
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  • 11 months later...

How can you change suits in Infinity Tower while playing?


EDIT Should have played more than 1 minute. Levels are randomly generated, will have along the path a few squares to change to a specific suit. ?

Edited by cris3f
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  • 2 years later...

On my first try I chose Bomber, Electric and Fire Suits and had to realize, that often the chests were out of reach

so on my next run I chose Bomber, Flying and Diving Suits to be able to get to higher chest positions no matter what

got well off at the tower with that second setup and to be sure to make it, I took 669 tokens with me

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  • 1 year later...

For me, this tower buggued every time !

I m making my way ans without no reason a Metallic cube or à sponge cube appear just upon the only exit possible. After 1 hour of playing... 

Already 3 times i got the issues ...i waste 3 hours thx starlit !

Edited by Tedkiller76
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