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My Profile Doesn't Reflect Me As A Gamer Anymore


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Just play games that interest you! I'll have phases where I play EZPZ games then will move on to actual AAA games. Some of those games I would avoid purely because I know the trophies would be difficult (Metal Gear V, Final Fantasy XV, etc). You have to break from that mentality and just play those games so you can enjoy gaming! Just play a mixture of shit games and actual good games.

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Well, most of the games you've played on your profile are definitely easy (you don't even have a single rare trophy), but they are not bad games at all, I wouldn't feel ashamed because of that.


Just keep playing whatever makes you interested.

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Yes, I feel the same way. Thats also why my trophies are hidden. 

I have created a new PSN profile which I would like to use with this forum account since I a.) paid for it and b.) it has all my posts and conversations on it. And I'd like to keep them. But Sly doesn't read my messages so I guess this won't happen.

What in return demotivates me to spend time on the new account... so... I play more on my Xbox these days.



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I'm used to hunt only good games, I try to avoid crap/easy plats - I can only count Telltale but they aren't craps, just easy as hell, few PS Plus games and Hitman GO. And it made me feel bad about playing because right now, all I have to do is to complete a game with a guide, sometimes on hard diff and that's it. I don't feel any kind of reward about it right now. So I've decided a few weeks ago that I will clean-up my backlog, buy those games I've always wanted to play, and after that I will focus only on getting UR plats/ those that are fairly difficult to create a challenge for me, to feel that "YAAAAAAAAAAY I GOT A PLATINUM" again, which I haven't said in a looong time.

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I mean, as you grow and get older, you change in a lot of ways and your profile is never going to represent who you are right now at this moment, but rather, it's going to represent how you changed. My profile goes from a lot of kiddie games into a lot of non-plat games and then now it's a bunch of barely started incomplete games and that basically sums up how I've changed my gaming habits from play everything I get my hands on to trying to complete games to starting every game to get a taste of it. 


You can change your habits right now and all those easy games will go farther and farther down on your list. I really only look at the first page of people's profiles to see what type of gamer they are, so it's never too late to make a different first impression.

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1 minute ago, Zolkovo said:

Some day everyone will realise no one really gives a shit about PSN level or total # of trophies or # of platinums. And especially that no one gives a toss about a profile that isn't their own.


So in the end, just stick to the games you love and enjoy and try to get the most out of them.


Could have not said it better. 

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All the above points are not gonna stop you feeling the way you do and if it is really wrecking your head then start a new profile - sooner rather later! I recently started a new profile (for different reasons) and I’m glad I did it now.


All the games I left incomplete were really annoying me and I had no desire to go back to them for one or two trophies. I’d prefer to start the game from scratch and get them all at once if that makes sense. I had a lot of long winded grindy plats on my old account that took a lot of work but I’m still glad I decided to start fresh now.


While not wanting a lot of shite games on your profile keep in mind that going after hard plats one after the other could be torture. You need an easy game in between to help you relax more. Just pick a game that you will enjoy and not something crap for easy trophies. ?

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20 minutes ago, Zolkovo said:

Some day everyone will realise no one really gives a shit about PSN level or total # of trophies or # of platinums. Life's too short to care about these arbitrary numbers. The stark reality is that no one gives a toss about a profile that isn't their own.


So in the end, just stick to the games you love and enjoy and try to get the most out of them.

Pretty much this right here. If you enjoy the games, that’s all that matters. 

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Great post! This is what I am always talking about: playing games for the sake of it and spicing it up with trophies. Never understood how a a huge amount of trophies is so much more important than playing great games. So many people seem to avoid hard or long games just because it is easier to play crappy games and get trophies for nothing. Some profiles are filled with my games like slyde, my name is mayo and everything alike. While I certainly have my own problems when completing certain games, I am always looking for games I could have a good time with. 


Maybe quitting trophies and just focusing on games is even the better choice... My 5 cents

1 hour ago, Zolkovo said:

Some day everyone will realise no one really gives a shit about PSN level or total # of trophies or # of platinums. Life's too short to care about these arbitrary numbers. The stark reality is that no one gives a toss about a profile that isn't their own.


So in the end, just stick to the games you love and enjoy and try to get the most out of them.


Well we as a community used to care about quality platinums. Now we don't, due to the numbers of easy games

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I am guilty of this and have recently tried to actively break the habit.  I still buy some games simply for the easy plat, but for the most part am only buying games I am interested and think will be fun.  Still, I have been surprised at how enjoyable some of those easy plats are.  I really got hooked into the artifex  mundi games and am glad a lot have gone on sale recently. 

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At least you figured out playing games purely for easy trophies is a bad idea quite early on. If I were in your position, I would probably just restart on a new account since the vast majority of platinums you have are low effort/not difficult and wouldn't take much to earn again if you wanted to. The sooner the better! You'll enjoy looking at your profile much more knowing that you played all of these games because you wanted to and not because you wanted a quick trophy/platinum boost.

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Hi @Adamantium! :) 

Let me give u a suggestion; Why no try to play games you really like? for example you said the new God of war was an amazing game, and I think you can play more god of war games on ps3 so that can be a good motivation. Also keep in mind a lot of good games are easy platinums... For example Persona 4 and 5, the difficulty rate is 3, but it does not matter because both games are incredible and the best thing is you need A LOT OF TIME to plat each one, and that mean more time to enjoy the game!!

What I try to say is you could find a lot of games with low difficulty rate to plat but they can be a 9/10 games (depend your preference of course) I love visual novels and each vn is a easy platinum, and for that reason I wont stop play vn, so don't let you drop in easy platinum games because people who create games like that do it just because they know people like us will buy their games just for trophies. 


Good luck and I hope you find your own answer!

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