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250,000 AFK Script


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Hi Septomor. First of all, thank you for an answer. I did not hope to get one. You are doing the great thing because these grind trophies are made by moron developers. Its not fun, its tedious.

Unfortunately it did not work. The same result - cursor is moving to the upper right angle if the screen. But if I understand correctly it should click on options and then select to restart.

I am trying to retrace my steps:

1. I am connecting via remote play. The size of the window is small. Its not full screen. I tried on full screen but it did not work either. I think I should mention the RP is running in 540p.

2. Choose the map, every building, except one, is destroyed.

3. Initiate your script above. But at first I added it to the file by Notepad and converted via Autokey. I push the Start button and open RP window again.

4. The cursor moves slightly the first time, then after some time it goes to the upper corner of the screen.


I have another idea cor a script. It is possible to create a map with about 180 buildings which are surrounded by turrets. Thus way you can destroy 180 buildings and then be killed by turrets. The script has to push only one button - triangle - to restart. 


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12 hours ago, Shuric1981 said:

Hi Septomor. First of all, thank you for an answer. I did not hope to get one. You are doing the great thing because these grind trophies are made by moron developers. Its not fun, its tedious.

Unfortunately it did not work. The same result - cursor is moving to the upper right angle if the screen. But if I understand correctly it should click on options and then select to restart.

I am trying to retrace my steps:

1. I am connecting via remote play. The size of the window is small. Its not full screen. I tried on full screen but it did not work either. I think I should mention the RP is running in 540p.

2. Choose the map, every building, except one, is destroyed.

3. Initiate your script above. But at first I added it to the file by Notepad and converted via Autokey. I push the Start button and open RP window again.

4. The cursor moves slightly the first time, then after some time it goes to the upper corner of the screen.


I have another idea cor a script. It is possible to create a map with about 180 buildings which are surrounded by turrets. Thus way you can destroy 180 buildings and then be killed by turrets. The script has to push only one button - triangle - to restart. 



Hey, if you installed Autohotkey, then you should be able to hit your Windows key and type in "Window Spy" and an ahk file Window Spy should show up. If not, it will be in the place you installed ahk, for me it was C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\AutoHotkey\Window Spy


After opening Window Spy then you can view certain properties of any window. Click on your PS4 Remote Play and you'll see a lot of values. The ones that are important are


Window: x y and 

Client w h (on the top row





if you hover your mouse over the Options button on your PS4 Remote Play, then hold Ctrl, you can then go back to Window spy and copy the values. You want to copy Window x y. Client w h should be 800x600. Next edit the script at the lines xXXX and yYYY


  Sleep, 1000
  MouseMove, 100, 100
   MouseMove, -20, -30, 50, R
  Sleep 500
  ControlClick, xXXX yYYY, PS4 Remote Play,,,, D
  Sleep 300
  ControlClick, xXXX yYYY, PS4 Remote Play,,,, U
  Sleep 1000

Note, for the MouseMove lines to work, PS4 Remote Play must be at the top left of your screen.


There is an alternative if that is too complicated, but I'm not sure how well it will work with a Russian keyboard. Please let me know if you need more help ?. Also you can't press triangle sadly in the default app :( 

Edited by Septomor
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
13 hours ago, HusKy said:

@Septomor Can you check your script if it still works? I'm having a hard time with ControlSend command which no longer seems to be able to target Remote Play window after the latest update. Using regular Send does seem to work though.


Yes, you're right that since they updated it changed. Try this


gosub, GrabRemotePlay

WinGet, remotePlay_id, List, ahk_exe RemotePlay.exe
if (remotePlay_id = 0)
	MsgBox, PS Remote Play not found
Loop, %remotePlay_id%
  id := remotePlay_id%A_Index%
  WinGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " id
  If InStr(title, "PS")
WinGetClass, remotePlay_class, ahk_id %id%
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, 0, 0, 1440, 900
ControlFocus,, ahk_class %remotePlay_class%
WinActivate, ahk_id %id%

 I found out a few months ago there are multiple processes which go by RemotePlay.exe, so we grab a list of those process and check which contain "PS" in the window title, some adjusting may be needed but I can confirm this does work.

Edited by Septomor
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On 27. 10. 2020 at 4:16 AM, Septomor said:


Yes, you're right that since they updated it changed. Try this


 I found out a few months ago there are multiple processes which go by RemotePlay.exe, so we grab a list of those process and check which contain "PS" in the window title, some adjusting may be needed but I can confirm this does work.


Thanks. Will you update your script in the first post too?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/27/2020 at 5:16 AM, Septomor said:


Yes, you're right that since they updated it changed. Try this


gosub, GrabRemotePlay

WinGet, remotePlay_id, List, ahk_exe RemotePlay.exe
if (remotePlay_id = 0)
	MsgBox, PS Remote Play not found
Loop, %remotePlay_id%
  id := remotePlay_id%A_Index%
  WinGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " id
  If InStr(title, "PS")
WinGetClass, remotePlay_class, ahk_id %id%
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, 0, 0, 1440, 900
ControlFocus,, ahk_class %remotePlay_class%
WinActivate, ahk_id %id%

 I found out a few months ago there are multiple processes which go by RemotePlay.exe, so we grab a list of those process and check which contain "PS" in the window title, some adjusting may be needed but I can confirm this does work.

Hey, could you give an example how to put in this script to make it work again? I only get line errors...

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20 hours ago, VakaVG said:

Hey, could you give an example how to put in this script to make it work again? I only get line errors...

It's an example of a function, so if you remove the ... 's then it probably will run, but all that's going on here is it grabs a list of processes matching RemotePlay.exe and find's the window associated with that program. A working example is here 

If you mean for this game in particular, I haven't gone back to edit it, it probably doesn't work with the remote play update, but I've been too busy to really check.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for digging the thread.

While I already plat the game by using this script.

I am wonder if the script can be set up in the way that you are button mashing X until you tell it to stop ?

I was on so many game that may need X button masher so bad and i think this will also be helpful on future game as well.

Thank you.

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13 hours ago, FielVeredus said:

Sorry for digging the thread.

While I already plat the game by using this script.

I am wonder if the script can be set up in the way that you are button mashing X until you tell it to stop ?

I was on so many game that may need X button masher so bad and i think this will also be helpful on future game as well.

Thank you.

Sure, in the thread linked above your comment (originally posted by HusKy) I put a script on the second page that will do just that.

Here it is again

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
DetectHiddenWindows, On

Gui, -MaximizeBox
Gui, -MinimizeBox
Gui, Add, Button, default, Start
Gui, Show,w150 h80, Generic X presser

Toggle := True
Toggle := !Toggle

SetKeyDelay, 200
WinGet, remotePlay_id, List, ahk_exe RemotePlay.exe
if (remotePlay_id = 0)
	MsgBox, PS Remote Play not found
Loop, %remotePlay_id%
  id := remotePlay_id%A_Index%
  WinGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " id
  If InStr(title, "PS")
WinGetClass, remotePlay_class, ahk_id %id%
WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, 0, 0, 400, 200
ControlFocus,, ahk_class %remotePlay_class%
WinActivate, ahk_id %id%

	If not Toggle
	ControlSend,, {Enter down},  ahk_id %id%
    Sleep 20
    ControlSend,, {Enter up},  ahk_id %id%
	; You only need to change the line below -> Sleep, 1000
	; 1000 is for 1000 milliseconds, so if you want it faster change it to like 100
	; Try to stay above 100 though, it's more likely to crash otherwise. 
    Sleep, 1000

  ControlSend,, {Enter up},  ahk_id %id%

gosub PauseLoop

Near the bottom I left some comments to help, you only have to change one thing, you can do this in notepad if you want.

Edited by Septomor
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  • 3 weeks later...

There are other ways to do this as well, it just requires you to be a bit more clever and resourceful. I remember some awful thing in a game I thought went too fast with too many inputs. I wrote a script that actually wrote the input script as you pressed the buttons and stick on your controller. :S Not super useful here I guess, but the way I got all controller inputs scripted is I guess. It was related to emulating a PS4 controller, and being able to map that emulated controller to other keys, keys you could easily script. :'D Yeah, as I said, being a bit more clever and resourceful. I think this gamepad was to allow anything to act as a X360 or PS4 controller or whatever it was on PC.

Edited by MMDE
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  • 7 months later...

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