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Which two characters would you like to see go one-on-one? Make a story.


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-Dante (Original)


 -I'm not really a huge fan of God of War (though I've played it) & I don't know a damn thing about Dante. The reason I chose those two is because they're pretty much immortal & unkillable or whatev.


 -If this were a movie they would spend the majority of time going though every weapon that they've ever picked up during their respective games. Thoughout the duration of the film Dante would be taunting Kratos in an evassive manner. Eventualy Kratos ticks Dante off causing him to activate his Devil Trigger. Once Kratos is down, Dante pulls out his Twin Pistols (Ebony & Ivory) to execute Kratos. Out of nowhere Kratos pulls out the Head of Helios to stun Dante. While Dante is blinded by the light, Kratos stabs a chain-blade into his right arm & a Square-Button icon appears in the top-right corner of the screen. If you play God of War: then you know what this means. Kratos presses the Square causing a Dante's arm's to be chained together. Afterwards he presses Circle which is where he then pins Dante's feet to the ground with the Bow of Appolo. "X" Causes him to pound Dante into a pulp with Hercule's Iron-Fist thingies. Then "Triangle" gives him the use of Hades' Claws which he uses to rip out Dante's soul!!!



 -Yeah, Kratos is kinda scary like that.


 -Skip the part where he kills Trish or rapes her or whatever Kratos does. Skip the credits. At the very end it shows the souless Dante (The new one from DmC) escaping from the underworld with Hades to exact revenge in a sequal, or whatever. That'd be pretty dope, and yeah.


-Okayyy, now it's time for you guys & girls to make your fight. Make it awesome: don't be lazy. Enjoy! =)

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Reimu ( Touhou)

VIVIT ( Seihou )

The two meet eyes after going through a barrage of bullets and enemies alike. Both of them thought the other must be the stage boss, naturally they fired on one another. Reimu covered the sky with numerous, large bullets where as VIVIT shot fewer, smaller yet faster bullets. They continued to battle until the shrine maiden used her " Fantasy Seal " spell card...soon after VIVIT was defeated and Reimu got a " defeat another main character bonus " and a 1-up!

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Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece Pirate warriors)

Jaster Rogue (Rogue Galaxy)


Luffy is on an island when he sees a flying pirate ship in the sky. Out of curiocity, Luffy stretches his arm and boards the ship. When he gets on the ship, he immediately smells food and begins to run into the ship. When he gets inside he sees a pile of meat and begins chowing down.Captain Dorgengoa then spots Luffy eating all his meat and tells Jaster to take care of him. Reluctantly, Jaster draws his desert seeker and begins to slash at Luffy. At the last second Luffy ducks, completely oblivious that he's being attacked, and his straw hat is slashed in half. Luffy then gets furious and lets out a gum gum pistol. Jaster smoothly dodges a barrage of gum gum pistols but does not attack back. Luffy then uses Haki and because Jaster has a low will to fight him, it instantly knocks out Jaster. Luffy then notices Deego and is amazed by the talking dog, and asks him if he ate a human human fruit like chopper. Deego, confused, just says "Yeah, if you say so." Luffy then invites him on to his own crew. Deego declines Luffy's generous offer, and Luffy then bursts through the window inside the ship and returns to his crew.

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Welllllllllllllllllllllllllcome Ladies and Gentleman to the Video Game Eating Contest :yay:


At Table #1 We have the pink ball of fluff from Dream Land. The Human Vacuum. KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At Table #2 we have the Prehistoric Phenom. The Green Dino. YOSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finally at Table #3 we have her Royal Highness. She's not fat, she's just festively plump. The Lovely FAT PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now the rules for this eating contest are simple. The first person to devour all the food on their plate is the winner. On your mark. Get set. GO!!!!!!!!!!!...oh wait a minute all 3 contestants have finished their food and Yoshi is already eating the table. :blink::S:unsure::| ...Well I guess it is a draw. Tune in next week to see who wins in our Sleeping Contest between Snorlax and Nemo :yay:

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DeathStroke (DC)

Deadpool (Marvel)


Well, it would start out with Deadpool doing yet another monologue (like always), careless and joking as ever but then a mysterious figure appears...peeking the interest of Deadpool. Little to his knowledge does he know that, the mysterious figure is none other than the Worlds Greatest Assassin, DeathStroke. Deadpool cracks some jokes about DeathStroke's outfit, prompting him to stare at Deadpool with a "what do you mean ? look at yourself" look. After that, Deadpool attacks DeathStroke but having battled the Dark Knight countless times, DeathStroke easily evades Deadpool and delivers one swift blow to end the fight.


At the end, DeathStroke looks down at Deadpool's body and says to himself "Maybe Batman is more of a challenge than most adversaries", he then vanishes into the darkness of the night. Off in the distance you see Spider-Man swinging through the Manhattan skyline.

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Neh, those hax doesn`t count, that transy whos a male with high heels couldn`t even touch Dante and he would already be dead 561 times :P


But can he handle Senator Armstrong? He's not one of those beltway pansies!


On topic: I wouldn't mind seeing




go against



Edited by omegarevan
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Lightning VS Cloud
-Lightning was travelling through historia crux and suddenly stuck in unknown place which is Cloud's timeline.... Cloud think that Lightning was kind of threat to his world so he decided to fight Lightning to find the answer.....


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