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Legendary Compendium glitched


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My first legendary I came across during free roam was the Legendary Boar, but I was unsure if I needed to use the correct weapon in order to secure the ‘perfect pelt’; at the time I didn’t know the legendaries don’t spoil, you can kill them any way you like and the pelt is fine, so I found this Boar early on in the game and didn’t have the rifle yet, so I followed it and it then died on its own, I think I chased it to death xD, so I skinned the pelt with a smile thinking I just caught a lucky break, but now the compendium is stuck on 66% for the legendary Boar (missing the kill) and there’s no respawn for this animal, it’s not really a big deal but I’d already hit around 108 of the animals to 100% at this point and for those of us wanting to 100% the compendium this glitch kinda screws me over, and for something so small it wasn’t worth restarting the game, seeing as only 50 animals are needed to 100% the game, anyone else suffered this? 

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I accidently ran over the Legendary Coyote with my horse, so I lost the option to "study" it. When you kill the animal, the game autosaves. Luckily I had a backup just before attempting this creature just because of these random stuff that can happen. 


I got both trophies yesterday and didn't kill all legendaries for them, so I don't think these count for the trophies

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Crap, I'm going to have to look at my save and see because I don't think I studied the legendary buck before killing it.  Was a PITA to get to spawn so hopefully I didn't overwrite my save that I could spawn it on, in case I screwed up.  Weird thing is that no matter how close I got it wouldn't let me study it with R1.

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That’s correct, only 5 legendaries are needed for 100%, the same as only 50 animals are needed for it too, the 100% is quite flexible, track your completion by hitting start, progress, total completion, and just have everything ticked off there, almost glad to see my issue isn’t as rare as I thought, maybe rockstar will fix it by adding legendary respawns, we can hope 

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2 minutes ago, DonGurke93 said:

Interesting, didn't know that. I was automatically assuming they didn't count towards Zoologist trophy because I always had 100% on them without studying.

They don't count, sorry if I didn't make that clear. I just mean that there is an option to study, but you don't get anything from it lol

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