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PSNP Interviews: Beyondthegrave07. Submit your questions.

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Ayyyy, I've been waiting for this day! I have a lot of very serious questions I need you to answer so please ease my curiosity:

  1. How many times can you burp consecutively before you have to stop? If you can demonstrate this, it would be great.
  2. Does this trailer make you tear up or is it just me?
  4. Cersei, Viserion, The Hound. Marry, Slay, have a drink with. Take your picks. Also yeah, I realise this isn't really a question shhh.
  5. You're in a bus one day and suddenly the bus driver takes a harsh stop, it sends all of your stuff flying to the front of the bus including Thano's Gauntlet. The reason why the bus driver stopped, though, is because a killer elephant is coming right at you guys. You just have enough time to escape the bus towards the back, but you may be able to make it out the front and grab your stuff along the way, if you move fast enough. Do you risk your life to grab your stuff and escape the bus from the front entrance, or sacrifice all your stuff like a total pleb and escape the bus from the back entrance? Nobody will judge you no matter what you choose, I promise.
  6. If you could be one animal for a day, which would it be and why? Asking for a friend.
  7. [insert question about your profile that makes you a bit insecure because your profile is a mess but you're trying as hard as you can and nobody seems to realise this].
  8. Okay but seriously, I see you've completed Reverie. Did you know this game is set in New Zealand? THAT'S RIGHT. I LIVE IN NEW ZEALAND. ISN'T THAT COOL? But no, I haven't played the game yet. I know, I'm a disappointing Kiwi. I'll get to it soon probably maybe. How did you like it though? I've heard it's similar to the earlier Zelda games (like The Minish Cap), is this true?
  9. Would you spend $100.00 on a jacket? I've been contemplating it and need a second opinion.
  10. Spell a five letter word using only letters from your gamertag. Again, not really a question, but rules are made to be broken. You're allowed to use letters more than once. Break a leg! But not really, because that would be tragic. Unless you want to and get an extension for your exam, that's fine. Just don't ask me, because I am definitely not going to break your leg for you.
Edited by ddracarys
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What should the epitaph on my grave say? (Don't worry, be creative, funny, anything is valid x3)


Why do laugh first? Are you laughing at someone or something? Or is it just some random maniacal laughter for no reason? I want to know lol


I saw you had a number of random gaming quotes under your profile, pretty cool stuff. I love me some gaming quote as well. Which quote is your all-time favorite and why?

Edited by Honor_Hand
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