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Trophy Thoughts?


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I'll sit on this until proper reviews come in. I'm way too easy when it comes to VR - I'll pick up games I'd never otherwise dream of buying. Likewise, I'm huge into horror, and often lament on the lack of PSVR horror so far.


But this... seems a stretch. It looks/sounds like it's going the lighter/halfway comedic route, rather than an actual thrillingly horrific immersion. Trophies *definitely* look to be another 85% plus obtained Platinum, depending on the collectibles being problematic or not. If it's Here They Lie or Home Sweet Home like, shoot for maybe 40-60% commonality.


Based on the looks of things on the surface, it's hard to tell just how hard/missable the devs might've buried the collectibles in the game - the fact there are three gold trophies tied to them makes me think this could actually be a much harder Platinum to earn than most might otherwise think. You literally only have gold trophies for that and completing the game - the fact there are enough collectibles as to make three separate "Collect All *****" trophies really does sound like this isn't going to be the utterly "mindless Plat" someone else mentioned it might.


Of course, that has zilch to do with whether or not this is another trash VR-sploitation of some guys tossing various publicly available assets into a game engine they licensed and making a buck off another VR walking simulator. Which, like I said, waiting for a review.

Edited by Coladar
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Hey guys, I'm Víctor Hernández, co-founder and programmer at Tessera Studios, developers of this game.


The game have some well-hidden collectibles and documents meant to complete the lore of the game :)


I've just started a post where I will be updating some information about the game, but it's mostly meant to answer whatever question you could ask, check it out and feel free to ask anything :)



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