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Heat - Barn to LZ Help

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So quite the struggle for me on this mission in Vet.   I tried for a good few hours AFTER destroying all tanks.  That proved fruitless.  I then found this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zKkRYA8QCY


I tried for a good while with this method, except for maybe shooting the one guy above the roof while on the barrels in the barn.  I still could seemingly not ever get out the next little shed part without still having more guys there.  Is this an infinite spawn?  Does it all come down to timing and trying to be quick?  ie between shooting the guys while standing on the barrels then to the next shoot and shooting them through the window.  Really at a loss here to get past this on Vet.  Should i ditch this method and try another?!  This seems quite good once you are heading back down the hill, as there are no enemies!


Thanks in advance!


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Was a fun section of the game second to the Ferris wheel part on one man one kill I believe.


what I personally did was go down the right hand side. I’d air strike the field to the right of the little outhouse in front of the barn and run towards the area where the pipe is to the left side of said field.


As I was running there I’d air strike just in front of the house at the other side of the field. The area near the pipe was a checkpoint which I would then do another air strike and then I’d run to the right of that house. ( the pipe is down the left side of the video you linked at 2 min 30. There was a lot less enemies after going past the house and I just ran down the hill to the petrol station / gas station depending where you live. Good luck it requires some patience and some luck

Edited by burnysizz
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That part was bad on Veteran ... (but there are more like that) ... I tried leaving one tank and moving through the shed and to the right ... but enemies kept respawning and I couldn't reach any checkpoints. 


So at the end I destroyed all 4 tanks, used two airstrikes on the field in front of me, ran along the left side, crouched in the pipe/drain there and quickly fought my way to a small wooden shed at the end of that pipe (also the end of the field), lying down when needed. 

I got a checkpoint in that small shed!


After that it's not too bad to finish.

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Just finished this up last night. I can agree that going right is the best option.


The key is not to worry about the time limit, focus on air striking BOTH sides of the field to start. Then go right and follow the trenchline, airstriking the water tower on your way. 


Once you get into the house just past the field, you should get a checkpoint. On my first time through I did not get this, but on the second time I did. Neither time were there enemies in the house. 


From there, just run. For me, I ran straight for the downed helicopter, ran into five enemies, and killed them. Then got another checkpoint. Then I made for the church and again had to kill about five enemies. From there I ran straight from the hill to the LZ and hid in the building at the LZ until the chopper arrived. It landed at roughly 1:30 left on the clock.


Long story short, the first section is by far the most difficult. I tried going left at least twenty times that all resulted in death. You can use the airstrikes to advance up the field, but once you hit the streets you are practically surrounded with little to no cover. The right field has less enemies and has the house you can hide in, it's the more reliable option.

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I'm assuming you've completed the tank portion without problem, it's how to advance after? Is this correct? 


If so, I stood outside next to the shed forward of the barn, to the right, and I shot guys coming from the right that were coming into that shed, while I called in my first airstrike in the first section of field in front of me. Right after the bombs drop, run across the map to your left and get into the culvert under the road. Let your guys advance some, then either come out of the culvert in the front or the back, and drop another air strike on that section of the field (before the next road). When that strike is dropped, sprint to the next shed directly in front of you, get into the back corner, and you should hit a checkpoint. From there, just keep dropping airstrikes and go through the buildings. 


It's a tough one, especially when you're at the fenced road, but you'll get it. 

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Managed to wrap this up by leaving one tank, but making sure to take out the 3 helicopters before you reach the barn.  With one tank remaining you do not have the time pressure.  Make your way back down the bottom, (this still took me a few goes to get the timing right) and hide in the station.  Before you arrive quickly turn around and shoot the last tank.  Wait it out for about 30 seconds of talking etc and the chopper is just outside the door!  



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12 minutes ago, chiino82 said:

Managed to wrap this up by leaving one tank, but making sure to take out the 3 helicopters before you reach the barn.  With one tank remaining you do not have the time pressure.  Make your way back down the bottom, (this still took me a few goes to get the timing right) and hide in the station.  Before you arrive quickly turn around and shoot the last tank.  Wait it out for about 30 seconds of talking etc and the chopper is just outside the door!  




That is very sneaky! So does the timer start only after you shoot the last tank?

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Air strike to the rescue. Call them for first two fields, preferably from the little barn on the right (upstairs), then head out to the left, there's a canal/sewer you can crawl through. Another air strike and sprint to the small wooden hut, you should be getting a checkpoint there. Another air strike and just sprint to the LZ. That's what I did.


This mission definitely wasn't a walk in the park, lemme tell you. Best of luck!

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