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The real end of TWD...

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I was okay with it, as implausible of her surviving the amputation with a zombie-gut riddled axe at a point where the infection should have spread throughout already is. I was starting to come to terms with her dying, but then had a feeling that AJ just chopped off part of her leg since the scene cut from him "killing" her just after he refused to do so.

I don't know, I'm just glad the series got an ending. I'm happy that Clementine survived and I overall loved the parallel in their relationship to that of Lee and Clem. Having Clem die would have been more poetic I guess, but after everything she's been through and how long fans have been following this story, I think it just would've been too devastating. It could have all been executed a bit better but all in all I'm satisfied with how the series ended.


Edit: put everything I typed into spoilers even though I would assume that spoilers would be expected in this topic and it wouldn't be necessary to use spoiler tags. Buuut just in case I suppose.

Edited by Jay_Cash
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When Clem looked for a bite it should have been too hard to tell because of blood from the axe cut. Play everything out as it did, until Clem thinks shes turning in the barn and can't get up, as AJ begs her she remembers how horrible it was when she was begging Lee to get up and he couldn't, this gives her a second wind and shes able to get up. In the fast forward scene we find out Clem wasn't biten, the bite was on her boot and the illness was infection from the axe. Now you have your bite drama and a more logical reason for Clem to be alive, plus you don't leave her with the death sentence of being one legged. I still prefer the current ending over her dying though, that would have been too expected, too much like season one.

Edited by WeeFreya
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