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Why is the platinum so rare?

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  • 4 years later...

Based on my current experience with the game, I'd say it's mostly due to Hard + Hard Core for 'Walk in the Park'. All three characters are needed to progress the levels, like Amadeus and Zoya for platforming, or Zoya and Pontius for igniting explosive barrels or fighting large numbers of enemies. I've found myself forced to restart in the Icewind level multiple times, because Zoya or Pontius were both dead and the checkpoint orb had accidentally been activated during the fight, preventing me from proceeding further.

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  • 7 months later...

I think is because of Hard-Hardcore and the collectibles.


Today i finally got the first one. Hard-Hardcore is very frustrating, a lot of trial and error is needed mix with strategy and luck. You will have to know what comes in each screen of the levels. 


The most importante characters are asmodeus and Zoya. Specially the gravitational arrows. Use them to go back in áreas where you fall and there are enemies, to protect yourself from fire and acid and to save time getting over places. 


Keep your distance always, enemies will kill you instantly. And be careful with spiders and specially the enemies with the fire swords.


And regarding the collectibles i have to go back and get some of them following a guide as there are a lot that are not easy to see or find. 

The problem is that there are to manyyy!!!

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