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Angel Looks Different In The Remastered Version

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And I'm not talking that they improved the graphics and textures, etc. They redesigned the way she looks completely. I thought I was going crazy because the opening scene felt so off.


This is the way you know her from the 2009 original:



This is the way she looks now in the Remastered version:



Really caught me off guard.

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Hmm, weird choice. Maybe there was some sort of problem with porting over the original live-action asset? Maybr they also chose to change it to make her appearance more consistant with Borderlands 2? Can anyone confirm if Borderlands 2 has had any changes to the Angel scenes since the UHD update? I don't currently have The Handsome Collection installed, so I cannot check it myself.


Edited by communistwookiee
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The first one, while nostalgic feeling, is a live-action shot overlayed on screen in a game styled around heavily cell-shaded outlines.  It's out of place really.


I can see why they changed it.  Probably will tie in BL3 eventually with this new "digital" look.  It fits better with the style/aesthetic of cell shading and cartoon.   

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The original was a live-action asset, meaning it was the likeness of a real person. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess they didn't have the rights to use her likeness in what is legally a "new" game. My money is on it not being an actual choice on their part, aesthetic or otherwise.

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6 minutes ago, NamoPh said:

The original was a live-action asset, meaning it was the likeness of a real person. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess they didn't have the rights to use her likeness in what is legally a "new" game. My money is on it not being an actual choice on their part, aesthetic or otherwise.


Britanni Johnson plays the live-action version of Angel in both BL1 and BL2, so i'd assume this change is for consistency.

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9 minutes ago, NamoPh said:

The original was a live-action asset, meaning it was the likeness of a real person. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess they didn't have the rights to use her likeness in what is legally a "new" game. My money is on it not being an actual choice on their part, aesthetic or otherwise.

Beat me to me it by 8 minutes.

I'd gather it was much easier to change Angel to, what is basically nothing more than a static, edited image than it was to secure the rights from the actress that originally played her.

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28 minutes ago, NamoPh said:

The original was a live-action asset, meaning it was the likeness of a real person. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess they didn't have the rights to use her likeness in what is legally a "new" game. My money is on it not being an actual choice on their part, aesthetic or otherwise.

Britanni Johnson was at the PAX panel when they announced the remaster and still has good relations with Gearbox, so I'd doubt that. Knowing now that they also changed the assets in 2, I'm 100% convinced now that it was an artistic decision.

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I would assume it's to get her to look like how Angel (the in game character model) looked in BL2. If you notice...they have the whole side of her head shaved. Whereas the original was probably something less thought out at the time...not making any future decisions to show us Angel, at the time. 


Angel in the original was likely something they whipped up to give us something ominous, there wasn't much there about her. She obtained a real identity in BL2, she was fleshed out more. The Brittini Johnson we see in the original video was just her with some visual overlays. The Remaster is showing in her in full Siren make up.,,she completely in character. 




People need to remember that BL1 was sort of a prototype of a game. a lot of what Gearbox REALLY wanted to do was accomplished in BL2. 

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