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Name A Platinum From A Franchise You Don't Normally Play


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Hi everyone :)


This might be a bit more complex than the post's title leads on lol.


Question: What is a platinum you earned on any generation (PS4,3,Vita, etc.) from a franchise you normally don't play?


My answer:


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. 


To expand, the Call of Duty franchise has been around forever. I'm 30 so it's forever. I am a huge FPS fan my whole life but I was never into military shooters. Always found them boring. However, I played the original in 2007 on PC but my computer sucked and was underpowered. After that I completely stopped caring about the franchise.


Around a decade later Infinite Warfare came out and for some reason I got into it, and after 30 hours I was determined to platinum this damn game. I really loved Zombies in Spaceland, but little did I know it would be the most impossibly hard section of the game.


After 200 hours of Zombies, I gave up. Fuck this, I said.


So when Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered arrived free at my digital doorstep via PS Plus, I figured why the hell not try to redeem myself and platinum this one. And after about 60 hours, I did. 


After that initial rush of seeing that platinum pop, and after the vindication of Infinite Warfare fucking me over, I felt divided. I found a newfound respect for the series while simultaneously never wanting to put myself through getting a Call of Duty platinum again. However, to end, a lot of my friends are hardcore CoD fans and yet none of them have a platinum so it's fun to get drunk with them and rub it in their faces. 


We all enjoy organically getting platinums from our favorite franchises, my personal sweet spot are Far Cry trophy lists. Not too hard not too easy and super enjoyable getting to 100% 


BUT the question remains: What's a series you've never been drawn to naturally, but for some reason got its hooks in you, and for whatever irrational reason you were determined to platinum it?

Edited by nikolistary
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