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Looks like I am doomed Trophy thoughts


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is it the original doom 3 or is it the updated BFG edition just with The MP and Doom 1 and 2 trophies removed? meh anyways look forward to platting 3 again with or without holding a flashlight

Edited by Brink-2-Chaos
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Seems like DOOM 1 and 2 will be a pain to finish under 2 hours (especially since I don't have much experience with either game). Especially running it on Nightmare will be a oof.
Glad that Doom 3 had all those MP stuff removed but its odd it was added onto Doom 1 and 2 lol.

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One of my 6 Ultra-Rare Plats, I don't see this one being any easier!!! 


Although the exclusion of the lame Multiplayer trophies does make things easier, all of them are just Very Rares on PS3, the meat of the difficulty with this list comes from the obvious.... beating the base and both DLC episodes on Nightmare!

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I think the doom 3 and 2 and 1 are all fairly easy to plat. If you grew up playing fast run and gun shooting games like doom this will be easy for you. I like all doom games and trust me 3 is like playing fear. master the game on your first play of the game and nightmare mode gives you the soul cube. it kills all enemies other then bosses with one hit. it takes 5 kills to get to use it though. and in roe you get the heart with all powers in it making you op as hell.


Doom 3 is best for new players. 2 and 1 on the other hand. You need help with a friend who knows how to get to the end of the levels and so on. as nightmare makes enemies reappear in unlimited numbers. Can be bs but in co op it can be done just use a video to know where to go at times and where the good gear is as in co op you both need it.


Also forgot to say. if this is the old one of doom 3 it might be abit more harder then bfg due to the dark hallway levels and so on.

Edited by KANERKB
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