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Tonberry Question

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I know that you need to kill about 20 normal Tonberry guys for this boss to appear, in the Centra Ruins. What I would like to know is, say you killed 10 of them, exit and go back in, does the counter reset? If I remember right, it doesn't hut I'm not sure anymore...killed 5 of them and saved, will continue later.

Also, any good strategies to beat this guy? I remember he was pretty tough but I don’t remember a damn thing about how I got him.

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The mark of a true warrior. :)


But seriously, what the hell kind of fight was that? Tonberry King was a joke. NO, I did not use any cheats. What I did learn though, was that using Meltdown on the little Tonberries and keeping Squall on low health so he could use Renzokuken on them worked extremely well. So I figured, I'll do that on the big guy. So Squall was stuck on 600 hp throughout most little Tonberry guys, and stayed like that until the king showed up. Squall was lv 70, Quistis 36 and Zell 40. I used Meltdown on him once, then went nuts with Renzokuken, if it didn't prompt, I'd skip until I got it.

Now guides say to use Diablo with 1000 comp, which I had with Quistis, but the one time I used it it missed...plus apparently this fight lasts like half an hour? Mine was barely 3 minutes long. Just Meltdown and don't heal Squall, or if he dies use a regular phoenix down so his health is always low. 

Guides also say that several Tonberries might be with the king when he shows up, but I had him alone. May have to do with me exiting and saving after every one when I got to 17 little Tonberries killed?

Edited by TerminusCross
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