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Good specialist trophy deck


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I see people struggle with playing 15 special cards in one game. So here is the deck I used since Iron Judge update. You need a bit of luck winning the game, but its easy to pull 15 special cards with it. I got the trophy with this deck playing unranked. It will be hard against big engine decks, but the strategy I used was:


- play many special and milling cards round 1, and loose the round. Put some small units in the board so the opponent doesnt pass to soon and plays some bigger cards. Marching into Artorius into Impera is the ideal play. But also good round 3. Vicovaro Novice is very good to mill your deck and get cards you need.


- win round 2 with your weakest unit card (opponent will pass 95% of time if he wins round 1).


- save your units who can pull special cards for this round (Triss, Avalach, Menno, Villem) and just play reactive against opponents cards. Make sure you keep a special card or two in your deck. You should have 1 card advantage with leader  and fee cards left in your deck.


It will be close, but against inexperienced players. You will eventually win and play 15 specials.


The deck:


Nilfgardian-  Tactical Decision


Triss: Telekinesis


Marching Orders

Hefty Helge

Menno Coehoorn

Artorius Vigo


Arachas Venom

Prince Villem

Experimental Remedy x2

Impera Brigade x2

Artifact Compression

Dazhbog Runestone

Dimertium Shackles

Imperial Diplomacy x2

Moon Dust

Vicovaro Novice x2

Duchess Informant



Tourney Joust x2

Infiltrator x2



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