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[HowTo] 200 armor/health for rampages (+ German Version and Done it All)


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I played a little with the known problem, that the German version of Vice City is locked out of the 100% trophy. You can use this bug to gain the 100% rewards (in particular the boost of armor and health to 200 each) before you complete the rampages. I don't know how difficult the rampages are with 100 resp. 150 armor/health but with 200 it was a walk in the park.


So, if you're interested, here is, how it's done. Note for German players: You can use this method to unlock the uncut version with German game-language, see below.


DISCLAIMER: Everything listed here was tested and done by me and it worked out (I got "Done it All" with the German version), but I'm not responsible if you lose progress or if you lock yourself out of 100%. So before you follow the below steps, BACKUP your current save on a USB STORAGE. That is, because the cloud save might get overwritten. So I'd recommend to backup offline, better safe than sorry.



200 Armor/Health

In order to gain 200 Armor/Health you have to do the following:

  1. Play the game and finish everything for 100% except the rampages
  2. If you're on 99% and only the rampages are left, save the game and exit it
  3. Switch your PS4's language to German: Settings -> Language -> System Language -> Deutsch
  4. Start Vice City. After your save loaded, you will notice, that your armor/health is at 200 each and in the top left corner the 100%-rewards are visible (Note: you will NOT get the "Done it All"-trophy!)
  5. Because you switched to the German cut-version without the rampages (and two missions, but that's negligible, because they're already burned into your save file) your progress is at 100%. Your stats won't list any rampages. Save your game now and exit Vice City.
  6. Now you need to go back to the uncut version by setting your PS4's language back to English or whatever it was before: Einstellungen -> Sprache -> Systemsprache -> English
  7. Start Vice City. You will now have 200 armor/health but your stats page should list the rampages. Save your game and everything is set up.

Note: If you lose armor/health, it will still go up to 200, if you pick up a pellet (or if you use the cheat)

If you want proof and/or visual guidance, check this video: https://youtu.be/-II2RatgPYY




German Uncut version

You can use this saving-"bug" to unlock the uncut version of Vice City with German game-language. But keep in mind, that the German standard version lacks two missions from Auntie Poulet and Big Mitch Baker. So, in order to get "Done it All" you have to switch to the Uncut version before you start Poulet's and Baker's missions! If you have a save of that point or are not that far in the story, an existing save will work.


The only thing, you need to do:

  1. Set your game language to English, while your PS4's language is set to German, save the game and exit Vice City.
  2. Set your PS4's language to English and open Vice City.
  3. If your save is loaded, set the game language to German, save the game and exit Vice City.
  4. Open Vice City again and enjoy the uncut version. Check in your stats if the rampages (= "Bestandene Amokfahrten: x von 35", see screenshot in spoiler) are visible!

Note: Do not change your PS4's language from now on or you will lose the uncut version and you would have to do the above steps again. Furthermore, there is a bug with the firefighter missions when you're on the German uncut version, which will crash your game as soon as you enter a fire truck. In order to finish the 12 firefighter levels, you have to switch the game language to English. When you're done with firefighting, you can perform above steps again to get back to the uncut version. Caution: If you just change the game language back to German, it won't work. You have to perform the four steps above again!


The only downside of this is, that you can't change the PS4's language back until you got "Done it All" and every trophy-screenshot will show the English trophy title.

See screenshots in spoiler for proof, that you can play rampages (= "Amokläufe") with German text and get "Done it All" (see English trophy title but German Vice City UI).









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