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100% Complete /Collectible Video Guides w/ Commentary


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Hi there everyone,


These videos are still a work in progress, but I'm doing a video for each mission of Doom Eternal. I start at the beginning of each mission and run through them collecting everything, while doing all of the challenges. All of the large mission-based fight have been removed to reduce the video length.





00:04 - Toy 1/3 - Zombie (Earth)

00:30 - Modbot 1/3

00:49 - Codex 1/6 - Hell Barges

01:12 - Codex 2/6 - Remaining Human Population - Part I

01:32 - Modbot 2/3

01:41 - Toy 2/3 - Doom Slayer

02:00 - Automap

02:51 - Toy 3/3 - Imp

03:29 - Codex 3/6 - Remaining Human Population - Part II

03:43 - Extra Life 1/4

03:53 - Extra Life 2/4

04:12 - Modbot 3/3

05:05 - Codex 4/6 - Formation of the Arc

06:28 - Cheat Code 1/1 - Infinite Extra Lives

06:50 - Extra Life 3/4 07:35 - Extra Life 4/4

08:15 - Codex 5/6 - Deag Nilex

09:01 - Codex 6/6 - Hell Priests




00:04 - Extra Life 1/7

00:16 - Codex 1/7 - Exultia

00:59 - Secret Area (Armour)

01:12 - Sentinel Rune 1/1

02:16 - Extra Life 2/7

02:26 - Toy 1/2 - Arachnotron

02:50 - Secret Area (Supercharge)

03:11 - Codex 2/7 - The Wolf

04:17 - Codex 3/7 - History of the Sentinels - Part I

05:05 - Extra Life 3/7 05:31 - Extra Life 4/7

05:53 - Codex 4/7 - King Novik

06:03 - Secret Encounter 1/2

07:17 - Sentinel Battery 1/1

07:37 - Album 1/1 - At Doom's Gate

08:24 - Automap

09:29 - Extra Life 5/7

09:44 - Modbot 1/1

10:05 - Codex 5/7 - History of the Sentinels - Part II

10:55 - Secret Area (Supercharge)

11:27 - Secret Encounter 2/2

13:59 - Sentinel Crystal 1/1

17:41 - Codex 6/7 - History of the Sentinels - Part III 1

8:41 - Secret Area (Supercharge)

18:52 - Slayer Key 1/1 & Slayer Gate 1/1

20:28 - Empyrean Key 1/1

20:39 - Extra Life 6/7

21:13 - Toy 2/2 Cacodemon

21:43 - Codex 7/7 - The Betrayer

22:17 - Extra Life 7/7





00:04 - Codex 1/1 - Cultist Base

00:16 - Toy 1/2 - Gargoyle

01:02 - Armored Rain Challenge

01:59 - Sentinel Battery 1/3

02:44 - Extra Life 1/6

03:07 - Praetor Suit Point 1/5

04:25 - Master of Turrets Challenge

04:43 - Extra Life 2/6

05:04 - Extra Life 3/6

06:30 - Rune 1/1

07:52 - Modbot 1/1

08:29 - Praetor Suit Point 2/5

08:56 - Sentinel Battery 2/3

09:45 - Extra Life 4/6

10:05 - Secret Area (Supercharge)

11:06 - Automap

12:24 - Sentinel Crystal 1/1 & Pull the Crystal Challenge

12:58 - Secret Encounter 1/2

13:28 - Praetor Suit Point 3/5

14:07 - Sentinel Battery 3/3

14:53 - Cheat Code 1/1 - IDDQD

16:12 - Toy 2/2 - Soldier (Blaster)

16:36 - Praetor Suit Point 4/5

17:48 - Secret Encounter 2/2

19:55 - Extra Life 5/6

20:24 - Album 1/1 - Into Sandy's City

20:43 - Secret Area (Supercharge)

20:52 - Extra Life 6/6

21:38 - Slayer Key 1/1 & Slayer Gate 1/1

24:09 - Empyrean Key 1/1

24:19 - Praetor Suit Point 5/5

26:07 - Secret Area (Super Speed)




00:04 - Modbot 1/1

01:17 - Praetor Suit Point 1/4

01:42 - Extra Life 1/3

02:17 - Sentinel Battery 1/2

02:55 - Codex 1/3 - Doom Hunter Base

03:13 - Automap & Reveal All Challenge

03:42 - Fire in the Hole Challenge

04:40 - Toy 1/2 - Lost Soul

06:06 - Codex 2/3 - Deag Ranak

06:24 - Rune 1/1

06:36 - Cheat Code 1/1 - Silver Bullet Mode

09:35 - Praetor Suit Point 2/4

09:49 - Album 1/1 - Shadows Don't Scare Commander Keen & Musical Interlude Challenge

10:32 - Extra Life 2/3

11:47 - Sentinel Crystal 1/1

11:56 - Sentinel Battery 2/2

12:17 - Praetor Suit Point 3/4 1

3:37 - Extra Life 3/3

15:06 - Praetor Suit Point 4/4

16:24 - Codex 3/3 - Doom Hunter

17:15 - Toy 2/2 - Hell Knight




00:04 - Codex 1/3 - The Hellgrowth - Part I

00:32 - War Pinkies Challenge 1/3

01:54 - Toy 1/3 - Mecha Zombie

02:17 - Codex 2/3 - The Hellgrowth - Part II

02:30 - Modbot 1/2 & Weapon Slave Challenge

02:51 - Extra Life 1/4

03:40 - War Pinkies Challenge 2/3

04:13 - Toy 2/3 - Soldier (Shield)

04:47 - Praetor Suit Point 1/5

05:10 - Praetor Suit Point 2/5

06:09 - Secret Encounter 1/2

06:54 - Rune 1/2

07:14 - Cheat Code 1/1 - Infinite Ammo

07:48 - Extra Life 2/4

08:20 - Sentinel Crystal 1/1

08:56 - Codex 3/3 - Super Gore Nest

09:33 - Sentinel Battery 1/3

10:20 - Secret Encounter 2/2 & A Bloody Secret Challenge

11:33 - Toy 2/3 - Revenant

11:42 - Extra Life 3/4

11:53 - War Pinkies Challenge 3/3

12:54 - Praetor Suit Point 3/5

13:06 - Automap 1/1

14:44 - Modbot 2/2

15:09 - Extra Life 4/4

15:37 - Praetor Suit Point 4/5

16:13 - Sentinel Battery 2/3

16:39 - Album 1/2 - Doom III Main Theme

16:58 - Rune 2/2

17:20 - Praetor Suit Point 5/5

18:47 - Album 2/2 - Wondering About my Loved Ones

19:55 - Sentinel Battery 3/3 & Slayer Key 1/1

20:43 - Slayer Gate 1/1

21:28 - Empyrean Key 1/1





00:04 - Toy 1/3 - Mancubus

01:02 - External Combustion Challenge

02:33 - Praetor Suit Point 1/5

03:27 - Rocket Removal Challenge

03:48 - Modbot 1/2

05:08 - Automap 1/1

05:20 - Sentinel Battery 1/3

05:20 - Toy 2/3 - Cueball

05:35 - Slayer Key 1/1 & Slayer Door 1/1

06:32 - Empyrean Key 1/1

06:42 - Cheat Code 1/1 - IDKFA

07:01 - Modbot 2/2

07:16 - Codex 1/5 - The Arc - Part I

08:12 - Sentinel Crystal 1/1

08:25 - Extra Life 1/3

09:13 - Praetor Suit Point 2/5

09:49 - Codex 2/5 - Samuel Hayden

10:29 - Praetor Suit Point 3/5

10:42 - Secret Encounter 1/2

11:11 - Toy 3/3 - Whiplash

11:38 - Extra Life 2/3

11:52 - Rune 1/2

12:05 - Codex 3/5 - The Arc - Part II

12:41 - Sentinel Battery 2/3

14:15 - Codex 4/5 - The Return of Dr. Samuel Hayden - Part I

14:53 - Praetor Suit Point 4/5

15:05 - Rune 2/2 & Rune Ensemble Challenge

15:41 - Sentinel Battery 3/3

17:04 - Codex 5/5 - The Return of Dr. Samuel Hayden - Part II

18:35 - Extra Life 3/3

18:42 - Album 1/2 - Quake II - Quad Machine

18:55 - Secret Encounter 2/2

19:17 - Album 2/2 - Quake III - Intro

21:11 - Praetor Suit Point 5/5




00:04 - Rune 1/2

02:08 - Extra Life 1/6

02:35 - Sentinel Battery 1/3

03:14 - Automap 1/1

03:48 - Praetor Suit Point 1/5

04:16 - Codex 1/2 - BFG-10000

04:27 - Disarmament Challenge 1 & 2/3

04:39 - BFG Ammo

05:20 - Extra Life 2/6

06:15 - Disarmament Challenge 3/3

07:46 - Praetor Suit Point 2/5

08:26 - Secret Encounter 1/2

09:03 - Toy 1/3 - Prowler

09:34 - Rune 2/2

10:02 - Cheat Code 1/1 - Powerup Mode: Onslaught

10:42 - Praetor Suit Point 3/5

11:16 - Album 1/2 - Doom 64 - Intro

11:33 - Secret Encounter 2/2

12:26 - Toy 2/3 - Carcass

12:45 - Extra Life 3/6

13:02 - BFG Ammo & Big Ba-Da Boom Challenge

15:01 - Extra Life 4/6

16:15 - Praetor Suit Point 4/5

17:14 - BFG Ammo

17:21 - Extra Life 5/6

17:58 - Sentinel Battery 2/3

18:39 - Sentinel Crystal 1/1

18:50 - Album 2/2 - Quake Champions - Goroth

19:31 - Slayer Key 1/1 & Slayer Gate 1/1

20:31 - Empyrean Key 1/1

20:37 - Toy 3/3 - Pinky

21:27 - Sentinel Battery 3/3

21:49 - Codex 2/2 - The Lost City of Hebeth

21:57 - Praetor Suit Point 5/5

22:07 - Extra Life 6/6

22:30 - BFG Ammo




00:04 - Codex 1/9 - Sentinel Prime

00:22 - Codex 2/9 - History of the Sentinels - Part IV

00:38 - Codex 3/9 - History of the Sentinels - Part V

00:51 - Codex 4/9 - History of the Sentinels - Part VI

01:13 - Codex 5/9 - History of the Sentinels - Part VII

01:21 - Extra Life 1/2

01:33 - Automap 1/1

01:42 - Codex 6/9 - History of the Sentinels - Part VIII

01:50 - Praetor Suit Point 1/1

02:15 - Extra Life 2/2

02:19 - Codex 7/9 - History of the Sentinels - Part IX

02:29 - Codex 8/9 - Daeg Grav

02:45 - Codex 9/9 - Gladiator




00:04 - Codex 1/7 - Taras Nabad

00:28 - Sentinel Battery 1/3

00:37 - Album 1/2 - Doom (2016) - BFG Division

01:36 - Praetor Suit Point 1/5

02:04 - Automap 1/1

03:23 - Painkiller Challenge

05:08 - Secret Encounter 1/2

06:01 - Mastery Token 1/2

06:21 - Sentinel Battery 2/3

07:14 - Praetor Suit Point 2/5

08:41 - Codex 2/7 - History of the Sentinels - Part X

08:53 - Toy 1/3 - Cyber Mancubus

09:25 - Extra Life 1/3

09:43 - Codex 3/7 - The Divinity Machine

10:04 - BFG Ammo

10:21 - Slayer Key 1/1 & Slayer Gate 1/1

13:18 - Empyrean Key 1/1

13:31 - BFG Ammo

13:51 - Cheat Code 1/1 - Powerup Mode: Overdrive

14:07 - Secret Encounter 2/2

14:51 - Codex 4/7 - History of the Sentinels - Part XI 1

5:24 - Sentinel Battery 3/3

15:28 - Praetor Suit Point 3/5

15:47 - Toy 2/3 - Marauder

15:55 - Keeping Cool Challenge

16:24 - Extra Life 2/3

16:51 - Praetor Suit Point 4/5

17:34 - Codex 5/7 - History of the Sentinels - Part XII

17:52 - Sentinel Crystal 1/1

17:58 - Extra Life 3/3

18:17 - Codex 6/7 - History of the Sentinels - Part XIII

19:14 - Album 2/2 - Quake II - Rage

20:29 - Praetor Suit Point 5/5

21:06 - Toy 3/3 - Pain Elemental

21:30 - Codex 7/7 - History of the Sentinels - Part XIV

23:18 - Mastery Token 2/2




00:04 - Cheat Code 1/2 - Full Upgraded Suit

00:36 - Skin 1/3 - Classic Marine Uniform

01:09 - Unmaykr Weapon

01:58 - Modbot 1/2

02:11 - Praetor Suit Point 2/5

02:22 - Praetor Suit Point 3/5

02:34 - Modbot 2/2

02:44 - Sentinel Crystal 2/3

03:04 - Sentinel Crystal 3/3

03:14 - Skin 2/3 - Sentinel Training Armor

03:53 - Codex 1/1 - The Fortress of Doom

04:21 - Skin 3/3 - Original Praetor Suit

04:48 - Cheat Code 2/2 - All Runes

05:08 - Praetor Suit Point 4/5

05:48 - Praetor Suit Point 5/5




00:04 - Sentinel Crystal 1/1

00:46 - Codex 1/2 - Nekravol - Part I

01:32 - Extra Life 1/3

02:44 - Toy 1/3 - Baron of Hell

02:51 - Die by the Sword Challenge

03:15 - Praetor Suit Point 1/3

05:12 - Tricks and Traps Challenge

05:27 - Mastery Token 1/2

05:49 - Praetor Suit Point 2/3

06:00 - Secret Encounter 1/2

06:31 - Toy 2/3 - Gladiator

06:40 - Automap 1/1

06:51 - BFG Ammo

08:09 - Extra Life 2/3

08:34 - Toy 3/3 - Doom Hunter & Mastery Token

09:22 - Cheat Code 1/1 - Famine Mode & Crucible Ammo

11:19 - Codex 2/2 - Fuel the Eternal Flame - Part I

11:36 - Secret Encounter 2/2

12:17 - Album 1/1 - KEEN - You've Got to Eat Your Vegetables

12:29 - BFG Ammo

12:40 - The Doom Hunt Challenge

13:49 - Crucible Ammo

14:16 - Extra Life 3/3

14:28 - Praetor Suit Point 3/3



00:04 - Extra Life 1/3

00:44 - Mastery Token 1/1

00:52 - Album 1/2 - Wolf 3D - Get Them Before They Get You

01:04 - Secret Encounter 1/2

01:30 - Crucible Ammo

02:26 - Sentinel Crystal 1/1

02:33 - Codex 1/3 - Nekravol - Part II

02:50 - Toy 1/3 - Dread Knight

03:00 - Secret Encounter 2/2

03:20 - Cheat Code 1/2 - Party Mode

03:36 - BFG Ammo

03:53 - Resurrect No More Challenge

04:31 - Punched by Blood Challenge

04:45 - Codex 2/3 - Fuel the Eternal Flame - Part II

05:06 - Album 2/2 - Doom (2016) - Flesh and Metal

05:16 - Toy 2/3 - Tyrant

05:35 - Extra Life 2/3

06:10 - Automap 1/1

06:17 - Praetor Suit Point 1/3

06:47 - Codex 3/3 - Fuel the Eternal Flame - Part III

06:54 - Toy 3/3 - Archvile

07:14 - Extra Life 3/3

07:25 - Praetor Suit Point 2/3

07:50 - Crucible Ammo

08:46 - Cut Down to Size Challenge

09:54 - Cheat Code 2/2 - Instant Stagger Mode

10:20 - Praetor Suit Point 3/3

10:28 - BFG Ammo




00:04 - Codex 1/4 - Urdak

00:20 - Crucible Ammo

00:40 - Mastery Token 1/2

02:14 - Automap 1/1

02:21 - Crucible Ammo

03:29 - Codex 2/4 - Icon of Sin

03:48 - Album 1/2 - Quake II - Descent Into Cerberon

03:59 - Extra Life 1/3

04:25 - Inflight Devastation & Angel of Death Challenges

04:51 - Secret Encounter 1/2

05:33 - Album 2/2 - Doom (2016) - Rip and Tear

06:17 - Mastery Token 2/2

06:30 - Codex 3/4 - Khan Maykr

06:53 - Toy 1/3 - Khan Maykr & Accessories Not Included Challenge

07:33 - Praetor Suit Point 1/2

08:13 - BFG Ammo

09:04 - Extra Life 2/3 & Secret Encounter 2/2

10:14 - Crucible Ammo

10:47 - Toy 2/3 - Spectre

12:26 - Codex 4/4 - Maykr Angels

12:57 - Toy 3/3 - Maykr Drone

13:08 - Praetor Suit Point 2/2

13:55 - Cheat Code 1/1 - Powerup Mode: Beserk

14:41 - Extra Life 3/3 15:29 - BFG Ammo




00:04 - Extra Life 1/4

00:37 - Crucible Ammo

00:50 - Automap 1/1

01:01 - Extra Life 2/4

01:30 - Extra Life 3/4

02:25 - Codex 1/1 - Final Sin

02:35 - BFG Ammo

03:20 - Secret Area (Supercharge)

03:55 - Crucible Ammo

04:14 - Crucible Ammo

04:39 - BFG Ammo

05:17 - Extra Life 4/4

05:54 - BFG Ammo

06:15 - BFG Ammo

06:28 - BFG Ammo

Edited by BenG32
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