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How to beat last battle easily (contains spoilers!!!)


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I know this is a trophy hunters site, but this will ruin the only thing interesting in the game. So you've been warned.


Only difficult battle is against Leanne, the last one. She starts with 40 mana and plays really strong cards at the beginning, so you need to survive the first 10 or so turns, until she has little mana, passes most turns and only plays crappy cards.


The best way to do this is to use a one color deck with cheap high attack value cards. You'll probably have to let your HQ be hit 2 times. Once I used this deck did this first time, but you'll need some luck anyway.


Color I used is yellow since it has many cards that fill this need and more important it's cards you'll be able to have by the time you reach this battle without major grinding. You can put 3 equal cards of each one ( fo for instance if you have Fafnir and Fafnir + 1 in all its iterations you can have 18 of these cards in the same deck.


3 x Fafnir level 2 - mana 4, attack 6

3 x Fafnir level 3 - mana 3, attack 6

3 x Fafnir + 1 level 2 - mana 4, attack 7

3 x Fafnir + 1 level 2 - mana 4, attack 7


Goblin + 1 level 1 - mana 1, attack 3

Goblin + 1 level 3 - mana 3, attack 3


3 x Minotaur + 1 level 1 - mana 5, attack 7

3 x Minotaur + 1 level 2 - mana 5, attack 7

3 x Minotaur + 1 level 3 - mana 5, attack 7


Lizard Man + 1 - mana 3, attack 4

Lizard Man + 1 - mana 3, attack 4

3 x Lizard Man + 1 - mana 4, attack 7


Use all of these above you can, fill the deck with yellow healers, costing 2 or 3 mana. Since you just have low mana yellow cards you'll be able to stack 2 and 3 same color cards bonus continuosly. Pass first turn, only put melee cards in front of attacking enemy units. This way they'll surely die, but they will do some damage. If you them away from the enemies they will be crushed without attacking, so they'll be wasted. Check each enemy by pressing it, its current health is on top right. Don't use healers at first unless you really need a low card and have no option. Don't skip cards to assure the cards bonus.

Just kill a few of the initial attacking units, remember you can bet hit twice in your HQ.


Once the initial massacre is over, put in all lanes melee units, and just a few healers once in a while. Remember all units will have their HP and attack increased each third card. Leanne will pass a lot of turns and it's a breeze.


Have fun





Edited by cris3f
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