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Hell House hard help


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Yeah this boss was the first real challenge on hard mode imo. 


I gave Aerith Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Wind Materia so she could hit it with whatever it was weak against at the time, and Cloud had Healing and Revive materia to keep them both alive, and Time linked with Magnify to give them both Haste. I think I gave Aerith Healing and Revive also but only for emergencies. Also the second it spits out any Tonberry's, I used Clouds Triple Slash to take them out asap. I saved any Limit Breaks or Summons for the final phase(although I don't think I even used a summon on the attempt I beat him on) but man did Aerith's Planet Protection really come in handy for the final phase tho lol. For most of the fight I was controlling Aerith, only switching to Cloud to use or Haste or to Heal. Also whenever he would become weak to a certain element like Fire, I would use Fire instead of Fira or Firaga, for two reasons: one because it was cheaper and I unfortunately got to that boss with low MP for Aerith, and two because it took less time to cast it. 


I'm not saying that any of this is the best way to go about this fight, I'm just saying this is what I did on the attempt that I beat him.


Anyways just keep healing whenever anyone starts getting even somewhat low on HP( I pretty much made sure to never let either of them drop below 50% HP) and just keep chipping away at it's health and using whatever it happens to be weak against and you should get him eventually. Also idk if this'll help, but if the Hell House swallows up one of your characters, you can heal that character even while it's still inside of the Hell House.


Good luck! 

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