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Auto save glitch


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So I ran into a problem in the DLC that causes the game to stop auto saving (which means no saving at all). A search around the net said that it is caused by doing a "graveyard fest" event at the tavern. Once it happens to you there seems to be no way to fix it and you're stuck having to quit and reload. The thread on reddit that I saw said that it could be prevented by doing any other kind of event first, and then doing a fest. However, it seems that you would have to constantly alternate between rat race/comedy/singing and the fest to keep it from happening.


If you're like me and only had to do the 15 events for your last trophy this may not actually be a problem. As long as you keep playing and don't die you could just keep selling beer/wine/booze at the tavern build up to one star of reputation and keep holding graveyard fests. The glitch didn't lock me out of the final trophy. Be careful though, it doesn't just lock up the auto save. It also seems to stop things from regrowing/building up/replenishing. Crops won't grow; bee hives, apple trees and berry bushes don't gain more resources, even the water pump at the work yard stopped gaining water automatically. My zombie industries kept working along just fine however. 


So if you don't care about the glitch and can just power through the 15 events make sure you have built up or have steady supplies from zombie farms/vineyards/breweries before you glitch yourself or it may take longer or be more frustrating.


Sorry one more quick ramble. You could just not do a graveyard fest, but it is the quickest way to get to 15 since it only needs one star of reputation to put one on. All the other events need at least 2 and the song needs 3. My last piece of advice would be to save this for the absolute last thing you do. Finish the DLC story activities, improve the tavern to it's max, hold a great event of each type (with graveyard fest last) and then just work through the remaining however many you need.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can confirm that this is still the case as of May 10th 2020. Once you do the Graveyard fest (1 star event) the game stops autosaving, meaning any progress after that point will be lost. So as suggested above, only do this event to get the trophy. 

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