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few advices to save some time


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if you follow the bad driver video guide it's better to not put the staff on the floor here: https://youtu.be/EJ-zkvo9Kqk?t=6653

but give it to the shaman few seconds later



about next staff when you are here https://youtu.be/EJ-zkvo9Kqk?t=6866
go on the right, to walk on the left of this stone tower:



then the staff you need is here:




If for some reasons “Weightless” trophy doesn’t pop for you, just use the spirit form on the pressure plate again

I don't know if it's a bug or not, but personally I had to do in this way for this trophy for both NA and EU stack



be careful about save system in this game, for exemple you just finish a chapter and you want to stop you game session so you wait the next chapter to completly finish loading before to turn off your ps4, wrong! next time you play and you choose "continue" you will be in previous chapter

if you want be safe before to close your game, you must have the save message in the bottom righ corner of your screen, seems you need to touch the dreamcatcher to save your progress, except that seems there is no automatic save



L1 (run) is maybe not working exactly as intended, so when it's time for a crucial jump that you don't want to miss in order to not have to repeat many other jumps, i suggest you to not directly do L1+jump, but run with L1 few steps before to jump, just to be sure your fox is REALLY running ^^

i have finished the EU and NA platinum for this game, and i can tell you this L1 button has really drive me crazy some times xD 

nothing that will prevent you to have the platinum, but it's just a little pitty because this poetic game is very relaxing, but this L1 button is always here to wake you up from your spiritual game play session...



if you already got the Kindred Spirits trophy at 2:24:28 of the guide, you can skip the whole part from 2:24:28 to 2:28:46 amd just directly activate the stone and go for your last run


hope those small advices will be useful, and thanks again bad driver for his video guide!!!


it's a very nice game, and very easy with the bad driver video guide, have fun!



Edited by Sombroff
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