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Question about Thieving Challenges


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Reading up about the Thieving Challenges has me a little confused. It states that you're unlikely to get them all in a single chapter because they are tied to what the game decides your playstyle is. I get that, but I've read conflicting things about earning challenges in mission replay. Some sources state that once you earn a particular challenge, you cannot earn it again on subsequent replays. This apparently guarantees you get a lower score if you attempt it again whilst going for other challenges. My plan was to attempt 1 or 2 challenges per story chapter and then earn the rest via the side missions. My questions are, is it actually possible to earn all challenges in a chapter and can you make progress towards this trophy via mission replay. If anyone has any experience with these challenges, I would greatly appreciate their input. 

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24 minutes ago, AJ_-_808 said:

It's been forever since I played this, but I dont recall having any problems replaying missions to get unearned challenges.

Interesting, the guide here says it’s not a problem but other sources say replaying is a bit limiting. I think I might have read something poorly worded, looking back it looks like it’s referring to not being able to boost the trophy with the same challenge.


These are the quotes I read that made it a bit confusing:


You can, if you want, replay missions to boost your objective count. You cannot get the same objective over and over again. You can, however, replay to get an objective you missed, or to get the objective tied to a different playstyle than you got the first time through.”


This means that by replaying chapters through the chapter replay points, you can bolster your objective count by grabbing objectives you haven't gotten on previous runs. You CANNOT get the same objective more than once, but if you played chapter 1 and got "Collect All Loot" and "4 Headshots (Predator)" on your first run, you can replay it and get "Extinguish 9 Light Sources (Opportunist)" on your second run. Your in-game statistics will say you have one objective, but the counter for this achievement will be 3.”


The guide author for PSNprofiles also mentions that they got the trophy in a way that didn’t match the stats.


To check your thief challenges you should take a look at your statistiks there you can see ALL challenges. But you might get the trophy before you got 25 (I got mine with 23 on Ps4 and with 25 on Ps3 but I can't say if this is the normal case)”.


So maybe there’s an invisible counter for the challenges.

Edited by bikeman223
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1 hour ago, AJ_-_808 said:

Play as you initially intended, you shouldn't run into any problems.


You get credit for each completed challenge once and can replay to do missed challenges 

Okay, I'll give it a try and be aware of what not to do.

Edited by bikeman223
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