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This game is proof for how soft trophy hunters have become in recent times.


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The trophy is definitely more parts skill than luck but luck is 100% still a factor. If it wasn't for bad luck then I wouldn't have any luck at all! It's the last trophy I need and I've enjoyed going for it. I got the closest I've ever gotten last night with 4 in a row and being in the final on the next one.

Edited by Bizurke2003
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Well, trophies nowadays are very random achievements, some challenging, some absurd, some entertaining.

The only thing I can guess is that some people is annoyed because this is just some stupid little party game to include that kind of trophy.

The contrary would happen (and actually it has happened already) with people complaining with Soulslike games with easy trophy lists. 

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I'm playing this game on my Alt account with friends and I'm having a blast. The game is really fun.


But at the same time I'm really glad I didn't add it to my main account lol. Having that trophy nagging at me at the back of my mind would completely ruin the game for me. Casually playing it on my alt is good enough for me.

Edited by Azaan60
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Just because someone wanted the trophy removed, or changed, suddenly the entire trophy hunting community became a bunch of pansies? Come on now, you'll always find people wanting the easy way out, and it's  not like people should be forced to play  a game to conserve their "mark of honor" because some underpaid lad on twitter tried  to hype the game to the leet gamer, it's a battle royale, I personally don't like the genre, but if you really need the plat, just play the game, there's already exploits to make the earning of the trophy quite easy, like the quit thing.

Oh, there's definitely rng in the equation, no matter your team, like majority of things in life.

And I seriously doubt the quit thing doesn't make MUCH easier the trophy, it just becomes a matter of perseverance until you find good teammates, it's like laddering on showdown, but you don't lose points when you lose, and can be technically  ghosted by others, nahhh.

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31 minutes ago, wardragon989 said:

Infallable has a too many factors (outside of what you can control) which can destroy the streak so easily;

  • If you get a disconnect message it's gone
  • If you run into a glitch (via server syncing or falling through Hexagon)
  • Positioning on the field
  • Bad teammates / Bad players
  • The bump can send a perfect jump into a perfect failure.
  • User error

This ^^^^^ in a absolute nutshell. Sumed up perfectly. I got stuck under the map earlier on hit parade. I would not have been happy if it was my 3rd/4th winning run. 

I also agree that this trophy should have been back to back wins. Still pretty hard but doable legit

14 minutes ago, MrJAMBA said:

I havent even played the game, and I dont plan too. I dont understand the hype. Looks like something my 4 year old niece would enjoy. 


But to say that there is no luck involved at all seems completely foolish to me.

I recommed you play it. You will be pleasently suprised dude. Dont let the colourful graphics fool you. Its not jyst a kids game. It wouldn't have been half as good offline tho

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I don't think you're wrong, but ppl just act on impulse and write a rant right after failing at this trophy. I got really pissed when I lost a 4 streak once myself.


1 hour ago, ThatMuttGuy said:

In fact, if you play in a squad with people who know how to play, you will never lose a single game,

And that's the problem lol, I only have 1 friend (from the same region) who actually plays the game and he does it only once in a while.


2 hours ago, ThatMuttGuy said:

I've seen many people claim they wouldn't play this game because of the trophies, or that they hate the devs for putting this trophy in the game. I have to say, shame on them for passing on such a fun game for such a shallow reason. It's even funnier as most of the people claiming they're skipping it don't even have near perfect completion rates (not that there's anything wrong with that, just look at mine lol).

Completely agreed! When you skip a game because of trophies then you've completely lost the point of gaming, at this point it just becomes a chore.


Anyway I think I agreed with you 90%, just a bit different perspective on team games (since I play only solo), but I can see someone who plays in a squad having a different experience.

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With all due respect, I don’t play online only games period so my avoidance of this game really has nothing to do with trophies at all. 


I have really poor crap Internet and I prefer to play games offline simply because they work better for me.


I wouldn't know how hard this game really is at all to begin with as i have never played it (I never do and never will when i see its a game that requires internet to get any kind of gameplay out of it) and to be fair I do have my fair share of playing harder games. 


Killzone 2’s infamous valor grand cross trophy never stopped me from playing the game on my main account simply because i love the game that much.

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You absolutely have to have skill (and sound strategy) to win the crowns.  Luck alone will not get it done.

To win 5 in a row, you need skill, strategy, AND luck.  And most cheese it anyway by quitting game after game that they are going to fail.


There needs to be a luck component in these games or every game played would feel the same.  Based on following the optimal path, etc.  Honestly, it has already gotten stale even with the luck/RNG factor.  If anything, they should UP that to make games more unique.  As it is now, every round plays out the SAME!

These games are mindless with most following the same strategy over and over.  Think I will tire of it long before Level 40 unless they change up the existing courses and add new ones.  I just hit level 25 and am getting quite bored of the repetition.





Edited by djb5f
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It’s a really stupid trophy because of the RNG, server issues, etc.  Trophy hunters are allowed to be unhappy about that.


I doubt I will get the plat because of this trophy.  That said, it’s a free game for most of us and I am not going to get bent out of shape on one trophy impacting my completion %....

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6 hours ago, ThatMuttGuy said:



It's a tough, tough trophy to get, even if you do use the exploit to keep your streak going.

Completely disagree with this. Anybody who considers themselves a trophy hunter can easily eventually get 5 wins.....even non-trophy hunters. And that's all it takes...just 5 wins. The cheat/exploit makes the trophy incredibly easy. Remember, you shouldn't think a trophy is hard just because it might take a long time (because it might take some people a while to get to 5 wins).


I'm sure the developers are going to patch the cheat eventually. And when they do, we're going to have players who are pre-patch platinum, and players who are post-patch platinum (post-patch Infallible trophy).  And all those players who are pre-patch will be assumed cheaters. I know that I already consider EVERYONE who has the platinum, a cheater at the game. Makes me feel kind of bad for the VERY FEW who actually got the trophy legit (because im sure there are 2 or 3).


The only issue i have with the trophy is the hypocrisy of the developers. The devs said they didn't want a stats page because they didn't want players stressing out over wins/loses and other stats..... and then they put Infallible Trophy in the game. How dumb is that......


Anyway, I have no issues with hard trophies (as proven by my account). My rarity average is 36% (or something like that). I do however, have issues with cheaters/exploiters who get trophies and act like they've accomplished something.......which there are a lot of people doing with this game.


To Anyone: Here's my advice. You want to "save face"? Avoid getting Infallible before the patch comes out. If you get it, we will all assume you cheated.

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