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Anna - My love/hate relationship with it


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Yea, I know its a 5-year-old game but I still find I have a love/hate thing going on with it.


As a game and its puzzles, at this point, I have played it off and on over the years and I'm faster than grease lightning at doing the puzzles and finding things but even to this day getting that 100% is a pain.


The biggest reason IMO is the lack of a status page in-game and no way to check what you have or have not unlocked such as endings :/ Recently I have been trying to finally finish it off once and for all and I had assumed I got all but the final 1 ending (The Whole Truth) turns out it wasn't that... 98% complete missing 1 ending.


I can deduce some of the endings are not being the one required via my trophies but it still leaves a mystery and treading old ground. Adding an option to rewatch endings and read unlocked documents & Intuitions would have saved a lot of headache in this game from my perspective...


Welp, for me back to figuring out what one I missed. LOL

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I got the game via PS Plus, at one point I got a 4 days free plus subscription and at the time this was a plus ps game and due to the short time I didn't watch guides and went blindly through it, I didn't know that you need to do some stuff you haven't did before on your first time playing to get different endings so I went repeating stuff and get the same ending.


when I got one day left I gave up and watched some speed runs and I believe I got the best ending but couldn't get the rest of the trophies and the game is now locked on my account, the stuff I hate about in this game is that some events happen by luck and you need to witness them all for a specific trophies, like this stupid ghost at the start, maybe the ps3 port is very buggy in comparison to the Steam version but the freaking ghost sometime won't shows.


I can no longer play it now as I need to renew my plus subscription and this is a problem, since then me and my brother only use and renew the subscription only on his account as a main for the ps plus stuff as his account now holding most of the plus freebie, and I don't feel like buying this game again.

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Yea, I feel ya on this one.


To get a 100% ending you need to have seen all the endings (I assume if your aiming for this ending for the 1st time you should be ok at 7/8 endings), all 16 Books, All 22 notes, all 33 intuitions, 4 out of 5 Sabot Maker steps and what I consider to be the worst part... all 16 Supernatural events.


It is possible and you do get down to around 18% health getting it but yea...


The supernatural events are a pain since they are 100% random and could happen in a few mins, 20 mins or not at all forcing you to have to constant save and reload :'(


Funny thing is as I'm writing this I'm working on another ending that may or may not be the one I missed which is the one that you need to lose all sanity (Expelled)

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