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WARNING: Difficulty trophies are glitched


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I just finished the campaign on Ace difficulty and I didn’t get any trophies. Really sucks because Ace was so incredibly frustratingly difficult. I can’t see myself doing it all over again. The only reason I bothered with it was to get the complete on Ace trophy. 


I think the glitch occurs when you try fleet battles before finishing the campaign. So make sure to play the campaign from start to finish without touching fleet battles or any multiplayer gamemode when going for this trophy.


I've seen other people with the same issue so I know that it isn't just me. Do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time and mental health as I have.



I got all the trophies. The way I think it works is that everytime you enter multiplayer you lose medals from the campaign which is required to earn the trophies. Let's say you've done 5 missions and then you try multiplayer. All campaign medals up to that point will be wiped.

I only lost my Ace medals on mission 1 because that is where I took a break from the campaign to try multiplayer. Haven't touched multiplayer since then because I wanted to finish the campaign first. So I replayed mission 1 from the menu on Ace and the trophies popped.


Don't jump straight into multiplayer after you've earned the campaign trophies: Before jumping into multiplayer, don't forget to go for "Fully Decorated", which requires you to earn all medals in the story mode. If you do enter multiplayer before getting this trophy, beware that your medals are very likely to be wiped and you have to get them all over again.



Edited by Viktorx2001
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The medals disappear and the trophys aren't glitched the description of the trophys are wrong for instance heavy hitter the description says drop 59 bombs while in fact you have to drop the proton bomb trigger happy I think you have to use the same laser as in the picture of the trophy and dmg on capital ships doesn't count again iam not sure so doesn't quote me on this figurly 

Edit the medals might  disappear when playing multiplayer I had done 71 out of 72 medal and it all got wiped inc ace play through I did a backup save so I didn't care 

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