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CO-OP... sucks?


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So.. In co-op only the host gets the chests, and all those statue worship pickups.

No archon or story quests can be done together..

That leaves daily quests.

The rewards from random events can only be claimed by host aswell?


I'm only at main rank 21 so far, and I haven't played any of those dungeons yet.

Is that where there's fun to be had in co-op?

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Co-Op could be better I agree. It is mainly there if the host need some help on bosses or run faster dungeons. 

They should had better implemented chest opening for coop, yet still make it not exploitable. Imagine opening other players chests, you could open endless of them. They only want you to open the same chest location once.

But atm yeah there isn't much coop material.

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Yeah, it really does suck currently... Doing things like the spiral abyss together would be pretty fun. But that place gets brutal for most people on floor 5+.
Most of the game is open-world stuff, so it kind of sucks that you don't even get Mora from friends opening chests, etc.

Also, you can't even do the actual dungeons co-op currently. Only Domains which is usually just a single timed battle against 20 enemies. Not to mention that when claiming rewards while in co-op can cause no rewards to even spawn but still consumes resin suuuuuucks.

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There's supposed to be raid style dungeons coming. 

But ya atm there's little reason to use co-op

And they need to fix the resin issues for co-op


Expect plenty of primogems as an apology for each thing! One good thing about it

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