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Trolling Trophy (Quick Tip)

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I just wanted to give a quick tip to anyone going for this annoying trophy. If you don't want to spend time searching for an orc that has the gang of Olog’s trait then there is another method. Usually near a Haedir there is an outpost or dense area with a ton of orcs and a captain nearby. These locations have 2 or 3 Olog’s in the vicinity. All you have to do is find the nearby captain, weaken him, and then allow him to follow you while you search for the Olog. When you find the Olog, get on it and defeat the boss. If you were unsuccessful with the attempt, keep running around the same anrea and defeating orcs at the same time. The Game will spawn another Olog after a few minutes. 


It’s usually best to know where the Olog is exactly before tasking on the boss.


This is the method I used and it took more than one try but thankfully I got it pretty quick. There is no sugar coating it though, there is some luck involved. 


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On 6/14/2024 at 3:50 PM, MartinW_95 said:

I found the easiest way to get this trophy is during a seige. Have a dominated olog captain nearby and mount them when an enemy captain is low on health. 

That’s one way of doing it as well. Idk why I didn’t think about this one. Thank you! 

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