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Posted (edited)
On 5/1/2024 at 5:04 AM, noervus said:

Here is the official support article from Rare about syncing PS5 Trophies with other platforms:

Regarding trophies not unlocking and should have unlocked (cf. first paragraph in quote above), Professor Howl created a ticket with support and said (source)



It is super weird to see myself quoted and sourced on from another forum lmao.

Update though: "Self Entitled" popped just shy of 72 hours after official launch. I haven't earned any titles since Tuesday outside of the one at level 10 for the Plunder Pass so what support said tracks I suppose. The commendation one is still firmly stuck at 10% for me. I do have a theory on it that I need to test out. I'm thinking they never updated the requirements for the commendations, so they only consider the base game commendations (like x voyages done for this company, y gold earned for company, z nautical miles sailed on voyages for company, etc.) for the trophy, which would make it significantly harder for veterans to do, would explain how newbies get it so quick, and why progress seems to go nowhere for most people with this issue.
I still plan on hitting Rare up today after the "complete" 72 hours to see what they say next today. I know they had the ability to force the servers to sync progress to achievements on Xbox but no clue if it works on PS5. It could just be straight bugged for veterans with enough progress in the game. So, today will be fun.

Edit: Gold Hoarder 75 and Athena 20 popped finally. Commendations are still locked at 10/100.

Edited by ProfessorHowl
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Posted (edited)

I also treansfered my pirate from steam and nothing poped for me on ps, not a signle trophy. But for me "Full Billow" trophy is bugged so that I can't unlock it on ps no matter what I do, I have this on steam/xbox profile unlocked. But oddly, I got commemdation trophy last night but after 30 or 40 new commendations plus old ones. Yea it's broken af, I hope they fix it soon.

Edited by Janne_336
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On 5/3/2024 at 3:53 AM, ProfessorHowl said:

It is super weird to see myself quoted and sourced on from another forum lmao.

Update though: "Self Entitled" popped just shy of 72 hours after official launch. I haven't earned any titles since Tuesday outside of the one at level 10 for the Plunder Pass so what support said tracks I suppose. The commendation one is still firmly stuck at 10% for me. I do have a theory on it that I need to test out. I'm thinking they never updated the requirements for the commendations, so they only consider the base game commendations (like x voyages done for this company, y gold earned for company, z nautical miles sailed on voyages for company, etc.) for the trophy, which would make it significantly harder for veterans to do, would explain how newbies get it so quick, and why progress seems to go nowhere for most people with this issue.
I still plan on hitting Rare up today after the "complete" 72 hours to see what they say next today. I know they had the ability to force the servers to sync progress to achievements on Xbox but no clue if it works on PS5. It could just be straight bugged for veterans with enough progress in the game. So, today will be fun.

Edit: Gold Hoarder 75 and Athena 20 popped finally. Commendations are still locked at 10/100.

I was doing a bunch of Merchant alliance stuff last night and I got my tracker to go to 20/100 for commendations, so I think the only things that count towards commendations are launch, base game commendations. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Commendations have been corrected after the last update. 


I am still missing my Pirate Legend Trophy a the 1 lvl 25 trophy and the 3 Master trading company trophies.


This is all I need to unlock the plat. Hopefully they figure it out soon.

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2 hours ago, MurfHey said:

Commendations have been corrected after the last update. 


I am still missing my Pirate Legend Trophy a the 1 lvl 25 trophy and the 3 Master trading company trophies.


This is all I need to unlock the plat. Hopefully they figure it out soon.

As much as it sucks seeing others having this issue its also comforting knowing im not the only one lol

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