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As Easy as One, Two, Step help + Game walkthrough

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I wrote a guide for this game that didn't really need to be wrote, considering this game is fairly short and also fairly simple (albeit a bit frustrating at times) but I still wanted to post my tips for beating the game without dying, namely the glitch that still allows you to die, if you're quick enough.


This is easily the hardest trophy in the game, but luckily it's made very easy because when you die, you can quickly press the PS4 button, and close the application. Re-open the game, then continue from your previous save. If you do this fast enough, you'll be able to continue even if you die. Here's a little guide for each boss.

  • You'll achieve this by completing the first boss. You'll be facing off against a dragon, who's head is stuck out of a castle to attack you. Fortunately, this boss is quite easy. The dragon will spit fireballs at you and you need to jump over them to survive. The dragon makes a huffing noise a few seconds before he hurls the fireball. The fireball itself is quite slow, however, don't get greedy. Stand in one place and jump when the fireball gets too close.
  • The second boss is a ghost lady. Unlike the first boss, you'll have to dodge her in multiple ways. Every time she attacks, she'll scream before so, which gives you a window to prepare yourself before she attacks. Her first attack is directly diagonal to the screen, right where your character is, so jump over her. She'll do the same direction, however, above you, so don't jump. She'll then do two ping-pong attacks back to back where she'll bounce off the floor, then the top of the screen. By standing in the middle of the screen, you'll be able to avoid being hit. She'll then grow massively in size and you need to move opposite of the screen where she is. After this, you've beat the boss!
  • On the third boss, you'll be facing against a robot that chucks boulders at you. These boulders appear from the top of the screen and drop down at your current location. The robot has an animation where he forms and throws the boulder. Right as he starts this animation, run away, and you should avoid the boulder with ease. Repeat this a few times and you win!
  • For the fourth boss, your enemy is a cat chasing a pack of rats. This boss is quite similar to the first boss as you only need to jump to avoid being hit. An indicator will appear at the side of your screen where the boss will rush at you and from there all you need to do is jump. Avoid being hit multiple times and you've won!
  • This boss is very similar to the 3rd boss but you'll be dealing with a witch brewing spells instead of a robot. She'll scream the same scream as the second boss, which is your indicator to jump away. Where you're standing is where she'll attack, so when you hear the scream, jump away instantly.
  • The 6th boss is a pack of buried skeletons that'll follow you below the ground. This one is a bit more tricky than the others as the timing is a lot more strict. Stay away from the pile of dirt as much as possible and if you're cornered, wait for the skeletons to bury themselves back in the ground and run past them instantly.
  • For the 7th boss, you'll be attacked by four birds on different tree branches. This one is one of the easier ones as all you need to do is stand in a corner. This will prevent three birds from being an issue, as the only bird that will be is the one closest to you. The birds will scream before they attack, so keep your eye on the closest bird, and run away when the bird flies toward you.
  • For the 8th boss, your enemy is a bunch of girls that are hanging from the ceiling. A scream will indicate when one of them is about to jump. When both girls on the left side of the screen jump, hide in the corner and wait out for the rest of the girls to jump. They're way too far away to hit you, so don't worry.
  • The 9th boss is... a guy choking a girl? Yeah, even I'm not too sure. However, the boss itself is the easiest of them all. Go to the left corner and wait. You win!


Beat the game and kill the final boss... the evil hat itself! This is the only boss in the game where you have to attack the boss yourself to win. Do so by pressing and the creature you're riding will vomit, which damages the boss. Walk to a corner and spam and after doing so three times (make sure you hit the boss!) an animation will play out. The trophy should pop right after!


That's everything I wrote. Sorry for the format being all fucky, I have no clue how to change it and make it good.

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