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Game Performance?

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Am I the only one having issues with this game? I finished it last week and got my platinum a few days ago, and the whole experience has been tarnished by the horrendous performance issues I've had throughout the entire game. It's constantly stuttering and freezing up as I run around in the open world. The audio has a delay on almost every cutscene and skips and stutters itself, constantly cutting off audio lines halfway through because it started late and the animations have already reached the point where the next line is triggered. Near the end of the game where the stuttering got the worst I figured out that pausing the game and giving it 10 seconds to catch up would help a little, but only temporarily. The ending cutscenes were almost laughable with textures not loading in, characters floating in an empty void because the background hadn't rendered (along with all the aforementioned stuttering...)


I came to the forums expecting to see a bunch of other complaints but nothing, so is it just me? There's nothing unique about my setup, just a PS5 with some storage expansion.

TL/DR: Game runs like shit, what gives?

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Currently playing through it now on a regular PS4. It might hang for a half second here or there when moving fast through the open world. Asides from that no issues at all...okay, other than my cooling fan sounding like a category 5 hurricane...


May be an issue with your storage device.

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Oh yeah instant fix, I still find it a bit strange that the extended storage can affect the performance so much, but duly noted, I'll try to keep big titles installed on the console storage in the future.

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