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Tip to get Abyss Veteran quickly.


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okay it just worked for me, and I think I figured out how/why based on how much time it took


TLDR: it saves how many times you mash X between clicking "quick restart" and when "saving" appears on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen


Fun Version because I'm proud I cracked the code: it takes about 6 seconds to land, click quick restart, load, and land again. That process, times 999 means it would take 99.9 minutes to farm without the use of this method. This method took me about 15 or so minutes, which averages to 6.6 "Quick Restarts" per actual restart. I counted between 5 and 8 button presses between clicking Restart and seeing the "Saving" pop-up, which makes sense and would average to 6.5 so a 6.6 is right on the money. So, when doing this method, you don't have to mash X for the entirety of the loading screen, just when selecting "quick restart" and can stop when you see "saving" :)

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It's also worth noting that you can use this time to grind the secret room "Demolition Expert" trophy if you do this as Wade. when you drop in, look for a secret room in that first room and go into it if there is one. Once you enter, then quick restart as usual. Just checked this method, and it does indeed work. Progress is saved when using quick restart (at least as far as the 'collectible'-type trophies go)


You can also check the shop if there's one in the first room for a roulette machine while you're doing this

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