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How to equip a different characters super move?


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I figured I should now seriously give this game a try after an eigth year break. Sadly I've forgotten many things which I will fix myself. But what I'm about to ask here is something that I didn't even know back then. It's about the ultimate customize part of the game. Now one very good and detailed guide for the All Ruined trophy mentions about what super moves to equip. It pretty much asks to use Broly and equip either Piccolo's Paralyze Beam or Frieza's Psychokinesis. Now my big question is how do I do that? When I'm customizing Broly's moveset I can only replace a move with Broly's own moves. Broly does not have access to another characters super move. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

If anybody is still reading this old forum and knows what to do, I'd be really grateful for some helpful feedback.

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You can't equip other characters moves, just the ones of the specific character.

For the "All Ruined" trophy I recommend using Frieza with his psychokinesis move, and your oponent the best option is Videl because she doesn't have any beam superatacks, you need to equip her with "Type Trunks" and "Androidize" in the customization table in order to make her innofensive at destroying scenarios, because it only counts what the player destroys, not the CPU.

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6 hours ago, LOBITO-XD001 said:

You can't equip other characters moves, just the ones of the specific character.

For the "All Ruined" trophy I recommend using Frieza with his psychokinesis move, and your oponent the best option is Videl because she doesn't have any beam superatacks, you need to equip her with "Type Trunks" and "Androidize" in the customization table in order to make her innofensive at destroying scenarios, because it only counts what the player destroys, not the CPU.


Thank you very much. I thought I did something wrong. I heard about "Type Trunks" and "Androidize" but I don't have those skills yet. I guess I have to play through everything else to unlock them, right?

Other than that, the reason why I asked my innitial question is because of the helpful tips I'm gonna list below

(found them on this forum: https://www.playstationtrophies.org/forum/topic/27973-all-ruined-trophy-object-guide/)



Helpful Tips:

- If you use this list and maps, you can easily earn this trophy under 3 hours (my time: 2h50min, no rush).

- Play on Very Easy difficulty.

- Use a large character like LSS Broly/SS3 Broly. Makes it easier to hit objects.

- Use Videl as your opponent. Since she has no ki-based attacks, she will not mess up as much as other characters but remember to remove her Kick-Slap super, since it's a rush, and Afterimage.

- Use Androidize combined with Trunks type. Videl will barely move (credits to DemonicDraco).

- Add defence/health items to your opponents deck if you fell like you would defeat him before breaking everything up.

- Use Piccolo's Paralyze Beam, with Opponent Paralyze Time S and M in your deck. It prevents your opponent from messing around with the objects and fixes your camera angle (credits to duck360). As an alternative, you can use Frieza's Psychokinesis, since it's not blockable (credits to DataisKing).

- Leave World Tournament stage to last. That's a good and easy way to check if you've destroyed everything on the other maps.


One of the problems I have is that it says to play with Broly and yet use Piccolo's or Frieza's skill, which confused the hell out of me. Another thing I don't really get is how to remove "Afterimage" since I don't see it equipped on her anywhere to begin with. So I'm wondering if she doesn't have it equipped or if I'm too stupid to find it.

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If Videl doesn't have Afterimage in her moveset, then she doesn't have it.

The post recommended Broly because of his size, but it's more recommended using Frieza or Piccolo because they can paralize Videl with Psychokinesis and Kaikosen if she starts messing around, also Broly is too big so the camera will be even harder to look with him.

Also there's another item You should equip to the character you're using which makes your sprint doesn't cost you Ki.

For me the hardest level was Rocky Lands because of the camera and the similarities between objects.

Edited by LOBITO-XD001
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Thank you very much for clearing this up. Was really unsure what to make of it. Do you by any chance know the name of the item you are referring to?

Speaking of items, how do I unlock them anyways? I have so many D points but I don't know where or how to spend them. I just have four customizable items so far which makes me believe that I'm way too early in the game to even consider tackling the All Ruined trophy.

Speaking of Rocky Lands, I've just tried it yesterday for fun. It was so bad, even on very weak Videl was moving around like crazy rendering me unable to actually keep track of anything that I've been destroying.^^'

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It's called "Dash Secrets" which makes dashing cost you no Ki.

To unlock items you must go to the customization table and there press triangle button to open a list of items that you can buy, to unlock more items to buy you need to make the battles in story mode and also completing World Tournaments a or Cell Games, the items and moves they give you varies depending on the number of participants and difficulty you play them, I recommend you making them over and over again in all difficulties and number of participants to unlock moves and items.

If for some reason you go out of D Points, you can collect the 7 Dragon Balls in Super Battle Trial mode, and wish to Shenron the Champion Belt, which when equiped in your character you earn more D Points.

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10 hours ago, LOBITO-XD001 said:

It's called "Dash Secrets" which makes dashing cost you no Ki.

To unlock items you must go to the customization table and there press triangle button to open a list of items that you can buy, to unlock more items to buy you need to make the battles in story mode and also completing World Tournaments a or Cell Games, the items and moves they give you varies depending on the number of participants and difficulty you play them, I recommend you making them over and over again in all difficulties and number of participants to unlock moves and items.

If for some reason you go out of D Points, you can collect the 7 Dragon Balls in Super Battle Trial mode, and wish to Shenron the Champion Belt, which when equiped in your character you earn more D Points.


Wow, that's some amazingly detailed info you gave me there. Much appreciated. I'm sure I'll have more questions in the future but for now I'll try to beat the "story" mode on hard first to earn a couple of stars along the way.


Final question at this moment in my playthrough. I need to unlock all battles, all bgm and all costumes for their respective trophies. But do I also need to purchase the conversations? Just asking because I want to quit star hunting as soon as I don't need to purchase anything anymore for trophies. Also I want to use the shut down console trick after purchasing bgm and costumes to save stars.^^

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Collecting stars is a good way to start to earn the platinum and get used to the game, because you have to do certain actions/moves that later are useful to remember for other trophies.

As for the Star Shop, you don't need to purchase conversations, just the costumes, secret battles and music, so you can let the conversations alone without buying them.

Edited by LOBITO-XD001
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Sorry for the double post but I've come up with another question and I felt better to post it here than open a new thread. I'm now working on the item collector trophy and making some progress. However I was following the steps below with mixed results (Credits for the steps below go to who posted the tips on this website: https://www.trueachievements.com/a39097/item-collector-achievement):


To unlock each item you must:

a) do every story mission

B) collect the dragon balls in super battle trial until you have wished for everything. How you unlock dragon ball battles is up to you.

c) do the world tournament and the the cell games with 8 and 16 participants on easy,normal,hard 5 times each.


Now I've finished a and skipped straight to c as I will keep b for last. I did the world tournament on hard with 8 participants and got items after each successful run. Then I did the cell games on hard with 8 participants and got nothing. I figured that I only get items after the 5th run so I kept playing but again nothing popped. Am I doing something wrong? To me each means literally each. So 5 times on hard with 8 participants for both world tournament and cell games. Plus again with 16 participants each and on easy and normal each. But if I misunderstand it, what can I actually skip? Wouldn't like to waste my time on things that don't contritube to the trophy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as always.^^

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You don't need to do both World Tournament and Cell Games because the rewards are the same, just pick one of those, it doesn't matter which, you can even alternate them if you want.

I'm not sure if it was 5 times each, just keep doing them until you see that the next reward are just D Points, when they give you D Points is because you already have them all with that difficulty/players. Also I believe with 4 participants you do not win anything.

So it's kinda like: 8 participants in easy, normal and hard and 16 participants in easy, normal and hard, all of those until they just give you D Points.

Edited by LOBITO-XD001
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Hey-hey, I've got another question again. I'm stuck at the score attack trophy right now. I mostly get about 1300 points and don't know how to increase it. Any helpful tips? Also what's the difference between an ultimate and a super attack? I thought that they are both down with the R3 button just pushed in different directions. But apparently I was mistaken here. Feedback would be much appreciated as always.^^

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The Super Attacks are the one when you move the right stick up/down/left/right, and the Ultimate Attack is the one when you press the right stick (R3).

To achieve lots of points in that mode keep using Ultimate Attacks over and over, because they give you like 100 points, and also, when you empty the health bar of the oponent and they give you time bonus, you need to do all the Ultimates you can do in that time, because in time bonus they give you like 200 points.

If for some reason you still find difficult to get points, you can always use the Dragon Balls to wish Shenron the "Champion Belt" which gives you at the end of every battle extra points that not only serve for D points, but also for having higher scores.

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Wow, I didn't even know that there's an attack where you actually have to press R3. Thanks for telling me.^^


Can I actually collect the seven Dragonballs without actually having reached first rank in all of the different modes? I thought each DB battle (one star, two stars, etc.) corresponds with a different mode. I guess I was mistaken.

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Also are there any tips on extreme battle? The opponents there are savage. :o


That being said, is there a recommended way to customize your deck? I'm really bad with customization in any game so I really don't know what's the recommended approach here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I'm back again with another question. This time I've hit a real road block. I'm going for the Battle Bonus Complete trophy and there's a couple of moves I've always been struggling with, which now even in training I cannot pull off.

For one I would really appreciate it if somebody could tell me how to actually do Charge Attack: Snap. I'm in the Dojo right now trying to do it (I completed it at some point in the past so I should be able to do it) but for some reason I just don't get it. It says "release when you start flashing" but it never counts as a snap attack. Is there any specific thing I need to keep in mind here?


The other thing that I cannot get down is the Super Ki Deflect. Again failed that in the Dojo now in preration so many times that I don't even know how I passed it back then. If someone could explain to me what to do as if I was a 3 year old child it would be much appreciated.^^'

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