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PS4 Connection Issues


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Hello everyone, I have a question. Is anyone getting disconnected from PS4 after a random number of time? Sometimes I can only play Ghost for example about 1-2 matches then I get disconnected, or better yet lost connection. At first I thought it was my internet, but I have never had a problem with my internet. I can get on my computer with no problem, my iPad, phone, and my ps3 without ever getting disconnected. Another example is I play resogun and it freezes and disconnects me. If I am in a party it will kick. These are just a few issues. 


The reason I am asking is because I haven't really scene any topics about it anywhere. Just want to know if this is happening to other people. 


I would like to know if this is an issue for other people. 

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 I had connection issues at launch but everything is fine for me now. It could be psn issues or it could be you're router.


 Do you have any other devices that connect to the network? If so you might have to set a static ip for the ps4 because you're router might be assigning the ps4 and another device with the same ip address. I had this issue when I connected another PS3 to my network, kept getting signed out of ghosts.


 Try this website for opening ports/ setting static ip




Hope this helps

Edited by Blazphemy--
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