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Expanded Trophy Cabinet instead of milestones

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I would like to see an option to choose between trophy milestones being shown on your profile or an expanded trophy cabinet. With every milestone slot you would normally earn, you would instead gain another slot in your trophy cabinet. 


While it is possible to plan milestones ahead, it's always kind of stressful to come up with a special game that you feel like should be shown on your profile everytime you hit a milestone. 

Also maybe your taste in games might change over time and a game you once thought was worth a milestone is now something you would never play again. 

Or maybe you do a game as milestone and then two platinums later you do another game that you enjoy much more and feel like it would have been a much better milestone. 

Or maybe you need to hide a game at some point because of glitched trophies, messed up vita glitch or whatever reason and your milestones get messed up. 


The trophy cabinet doesn't have any of these issues. The concept of being able to choose and change the games you want to see represented on your profile because you really like them or you are really proud of is far superior to some random number based stats. 


Feel free to share your opinions. 

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