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Error Uploading Video Guides and Contests

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Hello, I'm relatively new in to this, trophy hunter just a few months ago.

Now I'm uploading some videoguides to youtube of short Platinums, but when I enter in to the game on PSNprofiles, and I create a New guide (for example ZJ the Ball Level 2) after posting youtube link and SAVE, never happens...

Any ideas?

Also, I have some EU Keys to give in a contest/give away, last contest only got 6 participants xD (Pinkman ps4 ps5 European code), any advices for a begginer?

This was the link to the contest (This week I'm doing a contest for GUTWHALE) :


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6 minutes ago, JOMIBACO said:

Hello, I'm relatively new in to this, trophy hunter just a few months ago.

Now I'm uploading some videoguides to youtube of short Platinums, but when I enter in to the game on PSNprofiles, and I create a New guide (for example ZJ the Ball Level 2) after posting youtube link and SAVE, never happens...

Any ideas?

Also, I have some EU Keys to give in a contest/give away, last contest only got 6 participants xD (Pinkman ps4 ps5 European code), any advices for a begginer?

This was the link to the contest (This week I'm doing a contest for GUTWHALE) :


Here’s the site info on giveaways: https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/63431-information-on-giveaways/



As for your video guide posting, please see the forum rules here: https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/17792-siteforum-rules-jan-6-2016/


If there is already a video guide for that game posted, you should be posting in the existing thread. I’m not sure what problem you’re encountering when you are trying to post a new thread though. 



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5 minutes ago, JOMIBACO said:

Thanks for answering, I don't know what happens, but the guide is never public, look what shows to me:


You submitted it to the Guide Team. They need to review it to make sure it meets all the quality expectations. Once they have reviewed it, they’ll let you know if you need to make adjustments and when it’s good to go, it’ll be published. 

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