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Hard/Easy Games List Suggestion

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Those sidebars on the Games List pages that say things like Most Rewarding Games, Least Rewarding, based on points given.  I had a suggestion in regard to the Hard/Easy Games list.


I would recommend that you remove games or program it to not show both 100% completion and 0% completion.  


The main issue is the Hard Games list as in 6 months now Nostos and Attacking Zegeta 2 have always been on that list.  Also they never will get off the list because Nostos is completely delisted with bugged trophies and Zegeta no one is going to get them since they are unachievable as well.  I'm not saying remove from the site, I'm just saying hide 0% and 100% completion from the lists of hard games and easy games.


It basically gives us no value of information if its showing me Broken Games as Hard Games, there is no incentive to ever play them...as they are broke.


At the same time, if games have 100% completion it could be skewed incorrectly like right now 11/8/21 it shows a few games at 100% including Tales of Landis which is new.  The game is probably easy, however with only 11 platinums, that's a very small sample size.  Over time this could fix itself by players getting and not finishing the game, or actually getting stuck.  I would rather it show something more consistent than brand new games or games that have 100%, like a max 95% would be great.  


Frankly it would also be great if these columns actually corresponded to the systems a user has when looking at them, i.e. so if you only have Ps3 and 4, you don't see PS5 games.  Then they would be more helpful, otherwise it's just something there and not much use.

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