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The Tales Of platinum journey (ongoing)


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So i am going for all the tales of game platinums and thought it would be a cool idea to keep a log of my impressions of each game in the series i plat, what i thought of the game, how hard it was to get the platinum for it that sort of thing. also if there are others here who are also attempting the same goal as me,maybe trying to platinum another series,or just like these games and want to talk about them then that is the point of this post. also i will be listing the tales games in the order i played and platted them and not in the order of their release i also will keep spoilers out as much as possible so anyone who hasn't played one of the games doesn't get spoiled


Tales of Berseria: my first ever tales of game and what an introduction to the series this was. i loved velvet as the main character her personal struggle and growth i really felt as well as her interactions with the main cast. speaking of the main cast they were also very fun and like able which is always a plus for any game. This game also really shook up the typical tales of formula with the cast and their standing in the world. the combat was very fun even though i mained velvet mostly and it was a blast using her ability to destroy enemies, the rest of the cast was also fun to play with and their abilities to me made it fun to try out different ways to battle opponents (this is something that i love about the combat for the series in general).


Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition: I have to be honest this game was hyped alot for me from people i know and in the fanbase... but for me personally i didn't really resonate with the story and characters nearly as much as in berseria and the other tale games that followed. this is not to say the game was bad no far from it i LOVED the combat especially towards the later parts of the game as it gets fleshed out more and more. i mainly used yuri but also used the other characters a good deal and found them all to be fun to use(okay maybe not karol i couldn't take playing as him sometimes he felt too slow and sluggish to move). story wise i found it kind of bland, like i said i didn't really feel invested in it as i did with entries in the series. the characters were cool and yuri is a great protagonist it just didn't grab meas much as i thought it would. all that being said the world it is set in and the combat really made my enjoyment of this game shine.


Tales of Arise: this is my favorite tales of game and is in my top 10 favorite games ever. between the characters their interactions and growth as well as the story that pulled at my heart strings(i might of cried a few times not gonna lie). the music and combat was also spectacular in my opinion as i had so much fun playing as all the characters in the game and couldn't get enough of it. the story and characters were what made me love it as much as i did though, was it perfect? of course it wasn't and it definitely suffered from some pacing issues at times and the ai could be really bad(which i feel tales games doesn't have great ai combat overall). but even so i cant say enough how much i loved the game and the impact it had on me.


Tales of Zestiria: oh boy i didn't hear many good things about this game before i played it, so many things like the alisha and rose debate as well as the combat and how it was implemented. personally after playing through the game and platinuming it i have to say...the story for me was very enjoyable and found myself getting really into it at times. was it the best in the series? no,but i really found myself caring for the characters even if i wasn't the biggest fan of how some things in the story were handled. that being said the combat and i cant stress this enough PISSED ME OFF so many times in theory the combat was a nice idea but it also was implemented horribly and the fact that the ai in my opinion was the worst in the series made it even more egregious especially because armitization being a huge part of the combat made it such a mess to put it in simple terms. all that being said i do think it is a decent game and is worth a play through. it isn't as bad as people made it out to be in my opinion.


Tales of Hearts R: this game had my favorite combat in the series so far and while the story is pretty generic and the characters not being my favorite in the series at all it still made me very happy to have played it and overall it was just a very solid tales of game. it really is just that a textbook tales of game, i will say that i wished they had an english dub in the game. the japanese voice actors were fine don't get me wrong but it is just something about seeing then skits in english just adds something to it personally. but with that being said i had a very good experience with it and it was one of my favorite vita games i have played.


Tales of Xillia: The first game in the xillia duology was a very fun experience. while i was a little surprised and thrown off by milla's voice i quickly got used to it and found it fine in the end. the two protagonist and story was a cool concept though i don't think the jude and milla stories were different enough to really make the second playthrough worth it imo. the combat was the same satisfying combat that i have come to know in the tales series with the link and chain link artes really making me smile while pulling off sweet combos. all in all it was a solid tales game with a good cast and a good story, it was not my favorite but it was definitely very worth playing and experiencing for the first time.


To Be Continued

Currently working through tales of xillia 2.


Tales Of Rankings (so far)

1.Tales of Arise

2.Tales of Berseria

3.Tales of Xillia

4.Tales of Hearts R

5.Tales of Vesperia

6.Tales of Zestiria

Edited by Kingpainx2
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