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Help, I don't know how to meet the conditions for "If you can't beat them"


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I really don't know anymore. I'm in my fourth attempt with this trophy and everytime something comes to render it impossible. A couple of times, I literally could not get killed because suddenly an Orc came to my rescue killing the Orc who I planned to kill me. For the first guy I tried this with, it happened three times in a row as I had backed up my save file. I wanted to get killed a third time to proceed but everytime I got saved. So I had to try with other orcs. Same result. Then with the fourth Orc after I've finally gotten killed three times by him, I went on the run where I have to shame him (because he's higher level than me and can't be recruited). The only problem being that this guy never turned green so that I could grab him. Even when he had what seemed like less than 10% health I couldn't use circle on him. Killing was the only option. I really don't know what to do anymore.


This is the fourth trophy where the game does something completely different, than what the guides suggest. I'm starting to think that something is wrong with my game as nobody here seems to have experienced similar issues.

Edited by Ivotas
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Hi, I was having the same issues as you describe with this trophy. Till I found out that you can turn off saviors (the orcs that automatically kill the enemy when it's about to kill you) in the settings. If you go to the game options and scroll all the way down to the bottom you can untick the saviors and it disables this, making the trophy much much easier.


Hope that helps.

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On 14.9.2022 at 8:48 AM, Darkershines said:

Hi, I was having the same issues as you describe with this trophy. Till I found out that you can turn off saviors (the orcs that automatically kill the enemy when it's about to kill you) in the settings. If you go to the game options and scroll all the way down to the bottom you can untick the saviors and it disables this, making the trophy much much easier.


Hope that helps.


Holy moly, I didn't even know that was a possibility. I managed a different way now (don't even remember how as I've 100%ed the game now) but this surely would have made things much MUCH smoother. Thank you for the feedback.^^

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6 minutes ago, HedleyNEUK said:

Glad you worked it out! but yeah turning the saviours off was added to the game after launch due to feedback for this exact reason :D


That's funny. One would expect they have playtesters around to discover problems like these. xD

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