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Movie Night, All Hearts Crash Fix (Step-By-Step)

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I posted this method in the Man of Medan forum as a workaround for the infinite hangs in the PS5 version of that game, and this will also work for the crashes in Little Hope. If you would prefer to wait for a patch to (hopefully) fix the issues, that's completely understandable, but this will help anyone who is stuck now and would like to complete the game.


As noted below, the only requirement for this fix is that you must have both a PS4 and a PS5.

Step 1: Follow the instructions linked there in order to download and install the 1.00 patch for the PS4 version of Little Hope on your PS4. After the download is complete, the game will attempt to auto-update itself to the latest patch when you first open the game. Make sure to pause the download so that it does not update.

Step 2: On the 1.00 version of the game on your PS4, play through on Movie Night mode and ensure that you make All Hearts choices. During the final chapter, Full Circle, everyone will die in the house. Right after this happens, the next scene will be Andrew sitting on the steps outside. When you reach this scene, pause the game and exit to the main menu. The reason for doing this is that an autosave will be created at that point, so you can skip the entire house portion (where the crashes happen for most people) when playing on PS5 later. If you accidentally complete the game, that's fine. Just load the final chapter, save as a New File and play through until the scene with Andrew outside.


Step 3: This is an optional step, but it seems like some people have experienced crashes at the end even when playing the Solo Story. While still on the 1.00 version on your PS4, start a new game and play through the Solo Story until you reach the same point in Full Circle (Andrew sitting on the steps outside), while fulfilling all of the requirements to unlock "No Escaping Fate" and "That Dream is Your Enemy." Exit to the main menu when Andrew is outside. If you need a guide for the trophies, this one is excellent: https://www.trueachievements.com/game/The-Dark-Pictures-Anthology-Little-Hope/walkthrough/16

Step 4: Tab out to the main menu on your PS4, upload your Little Hope save data to cloud storage, then turn off your PS4.


Step 5: Turn on your PS5 and make sure that you have both the PS5 and PS4 versions of Little Hope installed on it. If you have any existing save data for the PS4 version of the game, delete it.

Step 6: [If you haven't started playing the PS5 version of the game yet] Play through an entire All Heads run of the game and try to get all of the collectible trophies in the process. You'll be able to get some of the miscellaneous trophies as well, and then you can use Scene Select to get the rest. Unlock every trophy on your PS5 except for "Coven of Witches," "Instinctive Reaction" and "Fate Worse Than Death." If your game is crashing and also preventing you from unlocking "No Escaping Fate" and "That Dream is Your Enemy," don't worry because optional Step 3 above will fix that.


Step 7: Once you have unlocked every trophy that you possibly can on your PS5, exit the game and delete your Little Hope save data from your PS5. Highlight the PS4 version of the game (on your PS5), press Options and choose to download your save data from the cloud. You do not need to open the PS4 version of the game. You just need to import your save data.


Step 8: Launch the PS5 version of the game again. You'll be asked if you want to import your PS4 save data. Choose yes.


Step 9: Select Movie Night, load your 99% complete save file, then choose Continue. The final few minutes of the game will play out and you'll unlock "Coven of Witches," "Instinctive Reaction" and also "Fate Worse Than Death" if Vince called the police. To the best of my knowledge, Movie Night in the 1.00 version of the game was bugged so that Vince would always call the police on you even if you were nice to him, because he did every time I tried. That's fine, though.


Step 10: Back at the main menu, select Solo Story, load your 99% complete save file, then choose Continue. Again, the final few minutes of the game will play out, and this time you will unlock "No Escaping Fate" and "That Dream is Your Enemy." That should be every trophy. I did not need to do this step because those two trophies unlocked okay for me on PS5, but I know they're problematic for others.


In total, you will need to play roughly 18-24 hours between both consoles, with roughly half played on the PS4 version and half on the PS5. Your PS5 trophy completion time (if you're starting fresh) can easily be below nine hours and possibly even below eight. I made a couple of mistakes during my PS5 playthroughs that added some extra time, and still finished in under ten hours.


Other than minor visual glitches during cutscene transitions, the only bugs that I encountered in the 1.00 version of the game were:

- John will always develop the Locked Trait "Indignant" and begin coughing up blood at the beginning of the Low Point chapter even if you choose the correct options to prevent him from doing so (but this won't impact anything for trophies)
- Vince will always yell "Hey! They're coming. I'll make sure they find you!" at everyone as you enter the building in Ruined, even if you did everything correctly to be nice to him. This will happen to you during your Solo Story run on PS4, but as long as you followed the guide that I linked above, he won't actually call the police at the end of the game. It's just a bug that a Day 1 patch fixed.


I know this post is huge like the other one, but this is not difficult and I just broke everything down step-by-step so that nothing can be missed. This will all work, as I've just verified.

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On 13/10/2022 at 9:16 PM, vasili_koulakov said:

Is it confirmed that Little Hope has the same problem like Man of Medan? That movie night mode stuck on loading, or it’s just crashes?


No, I had no issues with Little Hope on Movie Night when I played it. It's just Man of Medan acting up for me, it might not be the case for you too. 

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