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Trophy advice


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To receive trophies, there are videos of how every level can be completed. 

In the later worlds, being 8-10, that is when contraptions that were unique to earlier worlds get placed together in different combinations for varying levels. This truly increases the difficulty, as smaller margins for error occurs. 


It is recommended for each level is to start with the hardest switches first, because as soon as you press some switches, one fail requires a level reset to achieve the 'perfect' trophies. 

It can help to practice the entire level first, so you feel comfortable gaining each set of switches and you are not getting to portals after a long grind, to then fail instantly and have to redo it over and over again. 

The portals can sometimes be very challenging to reach, so some practice in reaching their locations can be very helpful. 


This time of this platinum trophy is determined by skill as certain levels can be very quick or extremely long depending on how precise you are with movements. 

The videos would have it at around 2-3 hours without failing, but in reality it likely will be more like at least 10 hours. 

I can say it probably took me 15-20 hours of game time for the platinum trophy as my very final level being world 10 level 11 (secret switch) took me 45 minutes. This was due to precise movement, where just a slightly incorrect movement meant a reset


Best of luck!

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