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Late to the Party - Tips

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Just some tips for this old game if anyone else is late to the party.


1st - Do the speed run right from the start. You do not have to do 2 playthroughs. Youtube 'World Record' for this game and just follow that video but speed it up to at least 1.25x. You can also mute the commentary as it's not an instructional video or listen like I did but it's not very entertaining.


Everything except Shuffleboard can be done post-campaign. Shuffleboard is not that tricky but make a back-up save anyway. I was at 5 hours when I got to it & I think my final game time was 5hr35min. Other websites will tell you that you have to do 2 runs. Not the case. And they will also say to make a save before the final mission and do everything else then reload the final mission. No need.


You can wear all the costumes on the very 1st seduction mini-game post campaign as well.


2nd - Leave all the collectibles to the end and use the youtube guide to collect played at 2x as now you will know the layout of the map. Except if you go for the highest point trophy grab the statue when you're up there.


3rd - the wall jumping kind of messed me up early. When wall jumping don't push the toggle towards the wall you want to go to. Just simply press X and he will bounce back and forth.

This cost me a little time early on when I was trying to get the hang of it. I finished the Wild West dreamscape at a time around 2hr 15min. 


4th - you can die and not have to constantly reload an old save. If you do get hung up on something it might be worth it. I had some bad luck around the campfire where Larry has to set his hair on fire so I did reload there once.


5th - Don't forget to use the sprint button R1 - can be used when you shimmy and climb ladders as well.


I did the game like this:





400 miles driving 


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  • 1 year later...

Am I the only player that has fond memories playing this many, many years ago, back on the PS3?


I had no idea how disliked this game apparently was though however.


I kinda wish it got a port for PS4 / PS5.  But looking at the critic score having been given the lowest ever for a PS3 title, or something like that I read, I doubt this will happen.


I could be looking back on it with nostalgia glasses, but it's been a long time, so not sure; but I do remember enjoying my time with it.


Going to start the two current gen games at some point soon.

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