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GR9 to GR10

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Is Lost Children 2 the best way to get from 9 to 10? Best Served Cold 2 is still too unreliable at this point due to a lack of high quality gear, so I was wondering if I have no more efficient choice than Lost Children 2. It'll only need 60 hours for me to grind the tier, but I figured it'd be better to make sure. I'm running a bare minimum spear build with maxed divine, and the stat buffs from Sword and Shield, Bow, and Longsword. Memorial Servant 2 might be possible if I grind for a good fire spear, but I don't know how to get reliable elemental pebbles.


TLDR: What is the most effective way to hit GR10? And how do I get pebbles?

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i feel like this will end up becoming more of a blog of my journey to platinum, but so long as that's not against the rules I'm okay with it. I found out that Memorial Servant II gives around the same points in a slightly shorter timeframe, around 16000 in 12:30. It'll take about 220 runs to hit GR10, so around 45 hours. GR10 is a huge turning point, with tons of great gear and quests like Memorial Servant and Lost Children 3. I've been considered running 3 more rounds of NG+ for full elemental silver spears, but I'm putting it off as long as possible because I hate NG+.

If anyone that lurks these boards has questions about anything I've done, I'll gladly answer it. Otherwise, I'll update once i hit GR10.

Edited by Bacon_Fluff
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  • 2 months later...

the odds of it are less than nonexistent but to anyone lurking - I have NOT abandoned this! it's just incredibly hard to work up motivation lately, with so many good games out and so little time :P I'm hoping to get back into it properly now though, and I'm at 77/136 BSC2s to hit GR10..! at which point it'll snowball very hard, very fast, and I'll hit the big twelve. that does leave the binding trophy though...

not one I'm looking forward to, to say the least 

oh, um, I can do BSC2 now btw! coupled with the exploit to stick him on the pillar (in a different thread) and just being better at managing my mp and ac, he's really easy with very rare mess ups like him un-sticking himself 

Edited by Bacon_Fluff
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