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Warning Missable

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I had a bad time with this game so thought I would explain what happened on my playthrough in case it helped anyone else. You know things are bad when you spend WAY more time on google trying to find solutions than you do actually playing the game! 


First the main menu is in 3D space and you are expected to poke the START option. But on my first session and a later one the main menu is actually too far away to reach so it's impossible to start the game! I spent ages on Google trying to work out how to start the game as waving your arms around and pressing every move controller button did nothing. 


"Bedroom Story" is a missable trophy.  Once you get the last amimal you are told to look at the stage. The first time I didn't really watch the whole thing or I quit too soon. I don't know but I did something wrong as I didn't get the trophy. As VeldinX says in the glitches thread, you have to use another save slot and replay the whole game if you miss it first playthrough. Going back into the final level once you have completed it does not give you the "cut scene" again. 


"Magic World Special" was also a real pain. I would pick up objects out of the hat and drop them. After a few objects no more would spawn. I thought I needed to replay the level again and again until I saw every item. But this didn't work. What you need to do is not just drop the items out of the hat but throw them off the world. Only if you throw them off the world do items comtinue to spawn in the hat. I re-loaded this level many times and never got the trophy. Only when items kept on coming in one session did the trophy pop. 


Finally the "open all doors" trophy refused to pop. Even when I went back and replayed levels. The developers states this...


"Hey! The door on the hut in the aquarium level is not designed to open. The below information may help:
- All of the pokeable doors in a level need to be poked during the same visit to that specific world. (You can't poke door X & Z, return to the world later and poke door Y)
- All of the pokeable doors in all of the worlds need to be poked during the same game session. (You can't do world 2 & 3, turn the game off and then do world 1 & 5)

You should be able to go back to the worlds to do this again on your existing saves."



Basically I took a break whiile playing this game on both my playthroughs. So that invalidated the trophy. Then coming back to check specific levels doesn't work either. You can't watch YouTube and play VR at the same time. So I was closing the game down between watching YoutTube guides or doing google searches for each level. Again that invalidated the trophy. Once I clicked every door in a single session I FINALLY got this trophy.  





Edited by CargoRunner
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