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Great F***ing Game


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Now, let me get it straight - this is pure borefest. 

Scale Rock Band boring-ass playlist and tour mode and extend it to infinity - you'll get this Band-no-use garbage.


Game itself is barebones macromedia flash-style monstrosity with little to no tools to use to learn real guitar. 

Whole tour mode and tutorails are boring garbage. You better of grinding your hand up to a beaver's arse.

Trophies are most generic that they could ever be. 

I don't want to show off or anything, but I have both Rocksmithies plats and they were pretty simple and plain for me, nothing too crazy.
Bandfuse from that point of view - is piece of cake. Covered in buffalo dookey paste.

Oh and it's not cheap too: you need 4 controllers, mics, cables for some trophies.
On the other hand, there are mountain of boring trophies like "beat all tours", "watch all tutorials", "play all backtracks".
That's just 0/10 stuff, you can't be even bothered with it. 
If you're gonna improvise and cheat (vocal midi tracks), then most challenging thing would be get 300 notes in a row (which is quite simple on a bass on a song Bad Luck at Level 5).
The rest of it would take you hours upon hours of wasted time to complete all the stuff game wants from you.

"Well, if you say that game is next My name is Mayo, why not everybody and their dogs have the plat then?" You'd ask me.
Well, as I said before, this is super boring to get through. You need bunch of garbage to complete some dumb requirements.
If you're doing everything legit, you need to master all 55 songs in the game on bass, guitar (rythm or lead) or vocals.
90% of songs aren't anything difficult if you know which way in the neck of guitar goes when you hold it.
You can complete songs in any way of instrument of your choice, so it's not anything too crazy.

If you're not a run-of-the-mill guitar player, you can always cheat by playing midi tracks back to mic.
I did one and it works fine. Game shows you notes when you're singing (you can enable that), so what you do is just create your own midi tracks or play them on the fly piano or whatever to mic. That's it.
Repeat 55 times and you're done.

But there are three main issues that I've had...That's it a complete turn-off for me.
Save system is bad. Well, it doesn't work half the time. Your progress tracks like a snail and if you quite game by incorrect way, you'll lose everything you got so far.
I've no idea what's the correct way to not-fail your tour progress or 5 star song progress, either way, when you boot up the game next time, something will be missing.
Turning point for me was today...yeah, actually today. Yesterday I've completed 9th tour and bought the 10th, the last tour. I was tired and happy. I turned off the console.
Next day, and what do I get? Complete F**k You! 10th tour is locked behind pay wall and all my earned money is gone! 
If you don't play a challenge or a concert in a newly opened tour - it would not save an opened tour. Great. I feel great.

Second, some xbox-people (yeah, those) told that game has a funky score system. I'll give you an example. 
You've played a song on a guitar Level 5 and got 4 star and 94%, you got 1m points.
Then you try it on bass, Level 5 you got 5 star and 95%, you got 800k points.
They you sand that same song on Level 5 and got 3 stars, 75% and 2,5m points.
(keep in mind stats are vague here too, cuz i dun member much)
So, which score is the best? Well of course its vocals, 2.5m points! So you stuck with that score, because in order to get a song to count for a Level 5 5-star trophy, you need song with best score and 95% of accuracy.
If you failed to do that, well too bad you're dumbass, delete saves and start over.

Third, and maybe it may not be a thing for everyone, is game tracking system.
Some ppl say tracking system is bad in the game. 
I think it's actually good. Too good. So good that I think they took insiration from Terence Fletcher! The teacher from Whiplash!
You will suffer for your mistakes! Missed one note in 300 note song? Well too bad, you've got 94% and 4 stars!
Game literally mocks you for that. I played some of the most "easiest" songs on Level 5 bass and couldn't get them, because I was playing "too sloppy" for the game tracking system.
It's super annoying, it's beyond me. I've learned these dumb songs already, but if I miss few notes here and there - you better cutting your arm off and getting a new one.
This garbage is brutal. And if you play a long song with 3000 notes or more there are more room to fail. It's kinda like getting Spanish Fly in GH:VH. But stretch it to 55 songs instead of one.

I dunno, maybe it's just me. Me, who played in bands before, played guitar for 10 years, got both Rocksmith plats, etc, etc.
This is super annoying for me and I can't be bothered to continue this slug fest. 
Songs themsevles are boring-ass garbage, out of 55 I had only fun playing 3 of them. The rest we played to death in GH/RB, so learing them here isn't giving a fresh take or anything like that.
I'm done with my long rant, if you're ended up here - think twice if you need that shit.

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