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Build that i used to get the platinum easy!


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This build is for anyone that prefers melee over magic and still get a stress free platinum with this build. First of all you want to get to 4-1 as quick as possible and loot the uchigatana weapon. Next you want to grind the red eye skeletons for the bladestone shards, chunks and a pure bladestone to upgrade the weapon to sharp +5. This will make your run very smooth as it will scale with dexterity.


For the stats you want to level up with souls, first you need 10 faith and 10 magic so you are able to learn all miracles and spells as that is required to learn them from the npcs. After that you want to get as high dex as possible so it scales with your weapon for more dmg. I also took 45 vitality for new game + so you don't get oneshot by everything if you get hit. As last you want 25 endurance so you can attack much more and dodge/roll without going out of stamina all the time.


The armor i used was from King dorian but that is not required for this build, i just liked the stats that are on it and the defense. For the rings you want Cling ring so you have more HP when in Soul Form and as second ring i used ring of longevity that gives even more +5% hp. You can get that ring by trading pure bladestone to sparkly the crow also in 4-1.


With this build even new game + was a breeze to get the last spells for the platinum. Hope this helps someone that is stuck or want a melee build instead of magic that the guide recommends. Thank you and have a nice day! 



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5 hours ago, DwayneHawkins said:

Thanks. Multiplayer throhies are still something else though. I was very lucky to have 1 out of 2.


For helping someone kill a boss, i helped someone that was at the tower knight boss, quick and easy boss to help someone with. For the invasion and kill the host you can either invade someone anywhere but i did it as the monk in the prison.

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